My surgery is 12 days away and I am so stressed out!

I have deveopled a cough and haven't gotten my period; I can't sleep and I 'm not hungry. Has this happened to anyone?    — Amy E. (posted on October 13, 2003)

October 13, 2003
Yes,,,Amy,,I know what you are going though ,,for my surgery is in 9 days ,,,I`am hoping I don`t get a cold and I`am also not hungry and can`t sleep ,they tell me not to be nervous things will be alright I know they are rgiht,,, but you still can`t stop be so nervous .Amy just hang in there and trust in God he will see you through all of this and good luck and God Bless,,,
   — Elizabeth A.

October 13, 2003
Good luck to you Amy, Charlene and Elizabeth. You SOON will be saying 'this was the best thing I ever did for myself'.
   — Ginger M.

October 13, 2003
{{{{{hugs}}}}} Great big hug. Now, take a big deep breath, blow it out, and again. You are exactly where you are suppose to be on your journey. You can't do a thing about yesterday or tomorrow. Just stay grounded by looking at all you accomplished to in order to be only 12 days from The Turning Point. Isn't it wonderful?! Think of all the research, reading, studying, phone calls, tests, paper work and effort you put into getting here. Enjoy it! Look for something that you can do to prepare for a successful hospital stay. Have you bought the things on your shopping list? Have you found a protein powder that you like? Have you stocked up on things that you don't want to run out of -- like toilet paper? LOL Are you going to take a CD player with you, have you picked out the music you want to listen to? Have you updated your will and any legal papers and written personal letters (worse case stuff)? I'm sure you can find something to do to take just one more step forward? Here's a quote I've had taped to my computer for 5 years: "Fear is the 1st natural enemy a woman must overcome on her path to knowledge. Besides, you are curious. That evens up the score. And you will learn in spite of yourself, that's the rule". DJuan Blessings, Scott
   — Marrilee M.

October 14, 2003
HELLO! Yep...I am 27 days away from surgery, my period is almost a week last, I have a runny nose and a cough and haven't slept in 4 days! And hunger? Nope...I have to literally remind myself to eat something. Weird. Maybe is just being nervous about the surgery? Don't know. But I am seeing the positive, if I don't have my period for another 4 days, I won't be on it for my surgery on Nov. 11th!!!!!!!!!! I wish you the best of luck. Take some vitamin C, catch a nap when you can and try to relax~!
   — Renee B.

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