My dietician is putting me on pre-op diet October 7 does this.....

mean I'm having surgery sooner then i thought. I just turned in my packet today and she said come october 7 we'll start the preop diet and you'll see the internist...How long do you have to be on a pre-op diet before surgery I mean if all is normal? I'm scared I need to prepare myself. Thanks all    — JenLynn (posted on September 25, 2003)

September 25, 2003
You need to ask your Doctor when your surgery is scheduled for. The dietician may not have the dates right. But some programs like you to start dieting a month or longer ahead of time. It supposedly shrinks the liver and loosens the tummy skin so that the surgeons have an easier time. I heard of one program that requires you to start your diet 4 months in advance in order to prove your commitment to the diet and to help you prepare for the permanent changes in your eating habits. I personally had to start on a liquid high protien diet 10 days in advance.
   — linda A.

September 26, 2003
I saw your profile, and it sounds like you are going to the Center for WLS at St. Joe East in Lexington. I am going there, too! I had my first seminar on May 21, saw the internist on July 7, all other testing (EGD, pulmonary, lab work) and saw the nutritionist on July 28. I was put on the preop diet on that day, too. Psych eval on August 8,
   — BeckyT

September 26, 2003
(oops, didn't get to finish!!!) the surgeon sent the stuff to Humana in August, and was approved by middle of Sept. My surgery date is November 4th. So, St. Joe East goes pretty fast! Only 5 1/2 months from seminar to surgery. It would have been sooner if not for my insurance. See my profile for more details about everything. Email me if you wanna talk!!!! Good Luck!!!
   — BeckyT

September 26, 2003
I saw a dietition a month before wls. In my case, I think they wanted to get a feel for "can this dude be diciplined enough to follow the program after wls?" In my case I last suppered myself to death that last month however she told me about Splenda and I stopped ALL SUGAR THAT MONTH and used a ton of splenda. AND....... I lost 13-15 pounds although I certainly ate alot. Anyway, quit the sugar and follow your dietitions advice. They MAY be trying to find out if you are willing to make the changes that certainly will come after wls. :)
   — Danmark

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