
I am 4 months post op and have very curly hair and I am now losing it big time. I do color my hair and have colored it 2x since surgery. Since it just started to fall out more my hairdresser uses ABBA color which is suppose to be mild. He also puts me under the dryer to set the color faster. I haven't told him about the surgery, but I guess this time I will have to. Any suggestions? Some people say it doesn't make a difference others say to wait. Need an expert!    — janice L. (posted on June 12, 2003)

June 12, 2003
I have read somewhere on this site that Biotin from GNC will help with the hair loss. Maybe someone who has tried it can verify this for you.
   — doodlebug

June 12, 2003
Hi sounds like you are not getting enough protein. Are you taking any supplemetal shakes or such?
   — c ..

June 12, 2003
4 months is the time to lose your hair. i am also losing mine. i take a hair supplement . my nutrionist says it will stop after 9 months and grow back. i've been told by other people it doesn't and go get a short hair cut

June 12, 2003
also, the hair lose is from the rapid weight lose.

June 12, 2003
I am a firm believer that some people lose hair, no matter what they do. I was one of them. I did 90+ grams of protein, 10-12 glasses of water, Biotin, Nioxin shampoos, vitamins and excercise. I did it ALL! But, I still lost ALOT of hair (1/3 - 1/2) It finally stopped about 1-1 1/2 months ago (Thank you Lord), I just cut it differently and it has helped. Now, I'm no expert, but that is my opinion, you either will lose your hair, or not. There is no pattern to determine who will be affected. I hot oil my hair every week and invested in some good hair products until everything goes back to normal.
   — Dana B.

June 12, 2003
I agree with Dana and I'm also a hairdresser. If its going to fall out there isn't much you can do about it. Everybody is different but I'm SURE it will grow back. Also remember that the anesthesia stays in your hair and nails (It all comes out thru skin, hair and nails) for up to 6 months and that can affect how colors and perms come out or how long they last. I've never had a problem on clients or on myself. Go ahead and color. It really doesn't make that big of a difference. If you feel you have to tell him, you don't have to tell him you had WLS. Just tell him 'surgery' and leave it at that. None of his beeswax!
   — Kris T.

June 12, 2003
No need to tell your hairdresser. He can't help you. Nothing helped... Nothing! and I tried it ALL as I have thin hair and was very concerned. I think you either lose it or not. Mine's grown back now. I lost some hair after my LBL and breast lift too (9 hour surgery!) but not near as much.
   — mom2jtx3

June 12, 2003
as a former hairdresser myself, i have to say there is nothing your hairdresser will be able to do to stop the hair loss. the only thing you can do to try to help is take b12, and increase your protien. Other than that, not much can be done. hair loss is a side effect that about 90-95% of us deal with (unfortunatly) and that taking your vitamins and increasing the protien aren't gaurenteeed to help, but can make less severe. I'm 7 weeks out and not experincing it yet, but i've been told it does eventualy stop. good luck and god bless!!
   — mellyhudel

June 13, 2003
I told my hairdresser way in advance of what could happen. I have extremely thick hair. I didn't lose my hair, but it thinned out quite a bit. She watched it very carefully during the beginning. I color my hair and had no problems. Since I've stabled out at my weight, my hair has gone back to normal and in fact has gotten thicker! I have to get it thinned out again!
   — dolphins94

June 13, 2003
General consensus is around the 4th month post op the hair (IF it is going to...not everyone loses hair)begins to thin. General consensus is this goes on for a couple of months and then tapers off. That is what I did. I lost A LOT of hair, but it has stopped falling out and IS growing back. The texture totally changed as I was losing it. It felt like baby fine hair. It feels more coarse now. I have this thing about my hair looking nice, so this freaked me out. I don't believe it was a matter of protein level. I believe it was due to amount of anesthesia and quick weight loss. All things pass.
   — Ginger M.

June 13, 2003
I am going into my 6th month. My hair started to come out around my fourth month. I don't mean little strands, I'm talking clumps! I take everything they have to maintain hair but it does not work. Thank God I am thin enough now to carry off hats!
   — Cagspence S.

January 20, 2010
i am a hairdresser and although the protein is important and they say the biotin does help its true some ppl are just prone to losing it. do both of those it can only help not hurt and as for the coloring you can continue with it but dont let him put you under the dryer unless its a steamer that puts moisture into your hair but will process it faster a reg dryer will dry your hair out more and with the diff texture might affect it worse. you should get your hair back eventually meanwhile if it gets bad enough you can always use wigs or hair pieces. i wouldnt do extensions with corn rows cause the hair will pull the weak hair out and stay away from harsher chemicals like perms. also taking your multi vitamin will help any of my clients that want their hair to grow i have them start on prenatal pills half with breakfast and half with dinner so im sure your multi vitamin will help now as well.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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