Is my protein agravating my gastritis?

I'm post-Op, 10 months, and i had some troubles with gastritis post op, but when i say some troubles i mean it hurt like once a year, now since about 2-3 months ago i have been sufferign from severe gastritis pains, before that beeing from mexico and all i could eat spicy foods, a lot of chile, nothing bother me, but lately i'm in bed from the pain and i take pills and it doest ever really goes awya, remembering what was diferent from before and after the pain started i just realize that i started to take my Nectar protein, and i was wondering could this be it? could this be the source of my pain? any ideas, my diet hasn't change dramatically, i don't even look at chile anymore. HELP PLEASE, HELP!!!!!!    — iaheel (posted on August 3, 2005)

August 3, 2005
where is the pain? is there nausea? how are you making your Nectar, how much what with how much Nectar? Which meds are you taking to calm your pouch? How long after drinking does it start and how long does it last?
   — vitalady

August 3, 2005
Although I'm sure there are many out there who will disagree with me...quit using the Nectar. I cannot stomach the fruit juice type protein drinks at all. They make me ill and, yes, make my stomach HURT. I can use the vanilla flavored type (I just don't like strawberry and can't stomach the choc flavored anymore) Another thing to consider at this stage...are you not chewing your food as well? I found that at around the time frame you are talking, I got really lax in chewing my food well and it caused a lot of pain for me. I am confused about the spicy food say you haven't changed your diet but you don't even look at a chile anymore. I loved spicy food before surgery to the extent that there was no such thing as too hot...I still love spicy food at 20 months out...but I have to be very careful because my pouch will not always tolerate spice. Good Luck!! Carmen
   — kccjer

August 3, 2005
I think you better contact your physician, it kind of sounds like you are having gall bladder problems which is very common for post-ops. Stormy 346/272/151
   — Stormy71

August 4, 2005
One way to find out if the Nectar protein is causing your problem is to stop using it for a week and see if you are still having the same problem. If the problem goes away, it was probably the Nectar protein... but just to be sure, you could try drinking it again and see if you get the pains back. If the pain does come back, then its probably the nectar protein. If it doesn't come back when you try the Nectar protein again, you'll know it is something else. I have chronic GI problems and my GI doc had me take things out of my diet, one at a time, to see if my symptoms lessened.... and if they did, he told me to try eating that food again and see if it caused me to get sick again (to make sure my stomach hadn't just gotten better on its own regardless of what i was eating). Whether it is the protein or not, you might want to give your doctor a call and let her/him know what is going on. Best wishes, Sid
   — mrsidknee

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