I'm 8 Months post op I've lost 113lbs. I've got gas tryed Beno, milants, Di Gel. Any

Any help out there for gas, i can't hardly stand my self alone in a room.    — John C. (posted on April 28, 2005)

April 28, 2005
A couple of changes helped me tremendously. Do you take tums for calcim? I did, changed to a pill form, and also too much splenda(sugar free) stuff makes me awful..I find that if I leave the sweets alone I have very little gas!!
   — Sharon1964

April 28, 2005
Well, for me the things that I had to elimante from my diet were carbs and sugars. When I stopped eating from the snack table at work I noticed a big change in my bodily emmitions (sp?). I do not really dump very much so I can swipe a handful of Mike & Ike from the snacks or Good n Plenty and not have a problem. I can do this several times and not have a problem. Or I would go up and all day long have animal crackers from the table. When I consciously stopped eating this junk my gas stopped. Now, I am not saying that I do not have any gas, I still have some but it is not the smelly nasty type anymore. I get a little bit of carbs and natural sugar in my diet when I eat my proper meals and snacks, I am making sure that I am getting a well rounded diet. Take a good long honest look at your diet and see if the bad guy is carbs and sugars, you may not have to take anything for your gas except maybe elimante carbs and sugars.
   — ChristineB

April 28, 2005
I don't eat any sugar other than the natural sugar found in unsweetened applesauce or fruit, which I don't eat everyday, and I have gas. I found that when I eat lettuce, cabbage and raw vegetables, I get severe gas pain and pass gas for hours after it finally works its way out.
   — csanchez1111

April 28, 2005
I never have the problem if I stay away from refined sugar and refined white flour and definitely cannot touch anything with the sugar alcohols in them. My husband won't stay in the house with me if I eat anything with an ingredient that ends in "tol."
   — scbabe

April 29, 2005
Use GAS X with Mylanta, If that doesn't work you maybe need to checked for an Ulcer Best of Luck Sharon
   — scamp

April 30, 2005
Which surgery? And then my next questions would be: milk? Sugar? fruit? fats?
   — vitalady

May 2, 2005
Eliminate all of the white foods from your diet, and I mean ALL: onions, milk, sugar, flour, rice, bread, etc. I bet that will help a great deal. Next, begin a program of probiotics to recolonize the good bacteria in your gut... Nature's Way with Reuteri is fantastically effective (I don't get anything for that endorsement). Take 2-3 capsules a day for a month, while continuing the regimen of no white food. You'll see a great improvement in the amount and odor of intestinal gas after you do these two things. Eventually, you might find that ocassional light use of Devrom is helpful if you know you're going to be in a confined situation (on a plane, for instance). However, Devrom is bismuth subgallate, and that's a poisonous heavy metal, so it's NOT a good idea to take a lot of it for a long time. Better to solve the problem at its source (too many simple carbohydrates feeding too many "bad" gut bugs) than to just try to kill the odor.
   — Julia Z.

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