I have heard about shrinking your liver b4 surgery.

I heard if you shrink your liver you have a better chance of having lap instead of open rny. How can I do this and does it work?    — Kim N. (posted on January 15, 2003)

January 15, 2003
My doctor requires us to go on the Atkins Diet for at least one week before surgery. I'm doing it for two weeks just to be safe. I'm having surgery on Monday. Take Care, Kelly*
   — Kelly* P.

January 15, 2003
When you lose weight (fat) you also lose fatty build ups on your internal organs. My Dr. required my to be on a liquid diet for 2 weeks prior to surgery for that reason. Check with your Dr. and see what he would recommend. You want to be at your healthiest during this time, so it's best to check.
   — Dana B.

January 15, 2003
My surgery is on January 29th. I'm on the Atkins induction diet. (that's the most restrictive-20 grams of carbs a day). It does help insure your liver is less fatty. My doc also recommends walking daily, stretching, isometrics, and some vitamins and minerals, as well. I'm following his orders.
   — Cathy S.

January 16, 2003
I was given 8 weeks per surgery to get my blood lipid into a healthy range for my Lap RNY. Beside for watching what I was eating, my PCP put me on Zocor 20 mg at bed time. In those 8 weeks, my blood lipids went into the normal range and I did have the lap vs open RNY. For me it was the Zocor that did it for me.
   — Peggy B.

January 19, 2003
My doctor required me to begin a liver shrinking diet 5 days prior to surgery. It consisted of no fat, and no sugars. I had a lot of meat, and veggies. Apparently the liver filtrates the fat, so with no fat coming in the liver uses what it has, and that shrinks it. This gives more room for the surgeon to move around in a lap surgery. Good luck!
   — wiggie34

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