Am I the only one who quit dieting now that the surgery is more than likely a reality

I haven't dieted since I began this journey. Once I found out that I met the criteria, was being forwarded to the surgeon and have an intial appointment with him, I haven't given a thought to carbs, sugar,etc. I have gained weight jeans hurt!! But I can't seem to want to do the Atkin's thing or any other thing "one more time". Is this normal or am I gonna have to deal with this one on the psych evaluation???? You are all such wonderful people, that I feel I can trust all the input you may have for me. Congrats to all you post-ops and Way to go for all you pre-ops!!!    — Linda D. (posted on November 16, 2001)

November 16, 2001
HA!!! Are you kidding? Not only have I not been dieting....I've been purposely eating all the things I know I can't have after surgery in a few weeks. This weekend my DH and I are driving to the ocean specifically for the purpose of having all-you-can-eat Alaskan crab legs. If this is a problem with a psych me crazy. I just want to get it all out of my system now.
   — [Anonymous]

November 16, 2001
I jumped off of the diet wagon as soon as I had my consult too. I ate whatever I wanted from 9/1 until my surgery date the following Jan. I gained 7 lbs but did not care. My Dr did not require weight loss first, but I have since heard that loosing 10 lbs can make yoour liver less fatty thus giving the Dr more room to work. But as for me...I am nearly 10 mnth post op and down 150 lbs exactly. Good luck to you.
   — Sue B.

November 16, 2001
When I realized my surgery was a reality, I was off and eating. I was eating just for the sake of eating....just in case there was something that I might miss that I might not ever have again. Don't worry about it....have a grand old'll be your last!!!
   — Dianne K.

November 16, 2001
   — Jackiis

November 16, 2001
I jumped off too, years ago...But the thing is, I have been trying to practice getting in my water and eating protien first and chewing until a liquid state, I have lost 10 lbs in pratcice....LOL
   — [Anonymous]

November 16, 2001
I too can relate to what you are going through. SInce I started this journey I have been eating more than ever. In fact I have found that when I am eating something really bad or know how high in fat or calories it is I always say to myself "I'm having the surgery oh well". I have also been things about all my favorite food that I am going to want to eat once last time before surgery. I should have my date within two weeks. It better come soon cause nothing fits.
   — [Anonymous]

November 16, 2001
11/16/01 - I feel the same way! But now I have seen the doctor, and they are setting up surgery. But they warned me, three times, that if I gain ANY weight between now and my next follow-up appointment (jan 9, 2002) then I will NOT get surgery! Yikes! scared me. so you'd think I'd stop now, knowing it might "disqualify" me right??? - Wrong!! My clothes don't fit, I can't breathe without wheezing/whistling, and I can't stand looking at myself in the mirror! And I don't have a scale that weighs me properly (like the doctor's!), so I can't keep track that way. But I can feel the weight gain. Plus, Thanksgiving is next week, then Christmas. Who wants to diet then??? so, you are not alone!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 16, 2001
D-I-E-T? Strange word. I would swear I've never heard it before now that I'm approved! (Dec 11th date!!!). As I look over at my kitchen counter, I count 2 kinds of cookies, pie, and I have two kinds of ice cream in my fridge! I figure I have 25 days till surgery. The funny thing is, I haven't eaten near as much of this stuff as I would have BEFORE approval. The mind is a strange thing (especially mine :-)
   — Lisa U.

November 16, 2001
Yes, at least for me it's been that way to, I have spent my whole life on diets & pills to loose weight and for the first time It has been a pleasure to say, no more dieting woo hoo , I have gained 10+ lbs though since my "realization" but you know what... I love every second of not panaking about food and what I should and shouldn't have everyday unfortunatly has recently become the "last supper syndrome" for me.. but i know relief is on the way.
   — [Anonymous]

November 18, 2001
Man oh man did I eat! After I knew that I would be having surgery I ate like a PIG! I knew that I would not be able to enjoy some of my favorite foods for a lonnnnnng time so i ate everything and anything that I wanted. My Dr. had put no weight loss restriction on me so I went whole hog. Chinese, Italian, Burger King, you name it. Enjoy yourself while you can and feel no guilt. That is the best part. I am now 3 months post-op and have lost nearly 75#. I have no regrets about what I ate before surgery.
   — Melissa S.

November 18, 2001
I last suppered for a month and gained 20 pounds most of which I had lost earlier on a strict diet. Jen is beginning to do the same thing and I support it. You just never know what foods you may never tolerate again, although in my case I can eat anything. Everyone can taste a bite or two of ANY food, even the worst dumper... Jens date is december 10th.
   — bob-haller

November 19, 2001
You know...I went to the beach this weekend, because I wanted to eat Alaskan Crab Legs one more time. I've also made plans to eat myself sick on a bunch of other things "one last time". But honestly, each time I finding that they werent such a big deal after all. And I'm so glad for that!
   — [Anonymous]

November 19, 2001
I went the opposite way. I heard that if you lost 15 pounds before surgery it helped with the recovery. I lost exactly 15 pounds by eating sensibly (read: high protein) and exercising to build up my arms, legs, and abs. I don't know if it helped or not, but I didn't have any problems with the surgery and I feel that my increased strength helped me get around when my tummy was sore.<p>Now this is NOT to say that I didn't eat the things I thought I would miss. I tanked up on smoothies since I love them and post surgery the sugar would kill me. I did have a last meal of beef tips en alfredo and tiramisu. It wasn't as great as I thought it would be and, to tell the truth, I've eaten better things since surgery. I think preop dieting is a personal (or sometimes the surgeon's) choice but if you are eating because you are afraid you won't be able to EVER eat tasty food again, you are probably going to find that after an adjustment period you will be able to eat tasty food in moderation (just like you are s'posed to!).<p>Good luck and see you on the other side!
   — ctyst

November 19, 2001
It's weird... Right after I found out my insurance would cover the surgery I stopped caring about what I ate, and in fact started "last suppering" anything that I loved, but rarely allowed myself to have like Chocolate milk! I lost 4 pounds from my PCP's visit to the visit with the surgeon for my consultation. I plan to eat, eat, eat my way to a newer me! HAHAHA! Actually I am about done "last suppering". I want to lose as much as possible before I go in. The only thing I will miss after the surgery is Taco John's. If you are from the midwest, straight down I-29 from Kansas City to North Dakota, and I-80 from Iowa to Colorado you know what I am talking about!
   — sbinkerd1

November 24, 2001
I stopped dieting a few months ago. First time in my life I ever ate sweets without feeling guilty! I figure I'm very shortly saying goodbye to all these destructive foods, and I don't feel one bit guilty. I'm not eating destructively, but I am NOT depriving myself at all. Surgery is only 5 weeks away, and I'm eating healthy (protein, veggies, fruit PLUS the sweets I'll shortly be saying goodbye to).
   — Kathy J.

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