I wanted to know on 'average' how long will it take from start to surgery date?

What takes the longest, insurance approvial, pre-op tests, psy eval or getting the acual date?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 28, 2001)

July 28, 2001
Well, I don't know an average but I'll tell you my experience. I called for a consult appointment in early September, was given a date for November 4th. During this interim, I began the process of insurance approval. Was given approval on Oct. 25th. Went to my consult on Nov. 4th and was given a surgery date of Feb. 12th. However, 2 weeks later it was moved up to 1/8/01. Had pre-op testing on/about 12/23. Surgery 1/8/01. So, for me the entire process from seeking an appointment and surgery was 4 months. From my consultation date until surgery it was 2 months. My goal was to have surgery at the beginning of the year. As you can see, this "schedule" was perfect for me. I hope this is what you wanted to know. Shelley
   — Shelley.

July 28, 2001
I think that it depends on who your Insurance Company is. You may want to post the company's name, so that way you can hear from others, who have dealt with the same company.
   — [Anonymous]

July 28, 2001
I think it really depends on the surgeon and program you go to. For me it was only 2 months! However, I have heard of people where they can't get a surgery date for 2 years. For me the longest was insurance but my surgery date had already been set and we fell within the time frame. I almost had 6 wks from start to finish but the surgeon decided he wanted me to be the only surgery he did that day so we pushed it back another 2 weeks. It all depends on the surgeon and how busy the practice is. Best wishes to you.
   — Linda M.

July 28, 2001
If we knew where your at we could probably give you a better estimate. I am 6 days post op and I started in february. Every process but insurance was a chore. All worth it today I am down 16 pounds in 6 days.
   — bob-haller

July 28, 2001
Hi, I got my pcp referal on 5-15-01, had my first consult with the surgeon on 5-30-01 and am having surgery on 7-30-01, so a little over 2 months. But my insurance company does not require psych evaluation, nutritional classes or any other tests unless the surgeon sees fit. It really depends on the insurance company and the surgeon and his schedule. I have friend that had to go through almost a year of a step program before they (the insurance) would even consider the surgery. The best thing to do is to look up others with your insurance carrier to see what their results were. Hope this helps! :)
   — [Anonymous]

July 28, 2001
My surgeon has one of the best programs in the world and now the wait from start to finish is a minimum of 12-18 months.
   — Lisa B.

July 28, 2001
Saw the PCP on May 26 surgery will be Sep 11. I am amazed.
   — [Anonymous]

July 28, 2001
If you live in Vermont, there is only one Doctor in the whole state who does this surgery, so you'll wait 12-14 months just for a consultation! If you live somehwere else, it won't take as long :o) *kidding* In my case, I joined this web site March 19, I went to my first new patient orientation (required before an appointment can be made) April 6, got an appointment for June 20, had a surgery date of September 17, and found out two weeks ago that it's been moved up to August 7th. Back in June, it seemed sooo far away, but with only 10 days left, I can't believe it's really here. While we are <i>all</i> impatient, sometimes the delay can help us to get mentally ready for this life change!
   — missmarisa

July 28, 2001
Hi I started my journey in Nov 2000 at Mayo clinic in Rochester Mn. and they say 6 months to a year. I have had all my phsyc evals, nutrition, and all other tests. Now I see the surgeon on Aug 13th 2001 and they will send for approval.(my ins says 2 to 3 days for approval) then I should get a date for Oct. or Nov. I hope. Good Luck!!!
   — Sue R. T.

July 29, 2001
I started the process on July 1st this year. I made the appt with my PCP, then sent in the info to the surgeon, who in return sent me yet another packet of info including the internal med dr I must see, the dietician and psychologist. I was able to see the internal med specialist within a few weeks but he ordered an endoscopy (one consult + procedure appt) and can't get in until October. The psych evaluation is in August and my first appointment with the surgeon isn't until Oct 30! Her office told me that surgery probably won't be until January or so, possibly November but most likely next year. So I'm looking at 7 months--that's assuming all goes well with insurance! Good Luck!
   — jenn2002

July 29, 2001
For me it was nine long months of fighting Blue Choice Option who made the whole process a living hell. But I would'nt give up and they finally did.
   — Danmark

July 29, 2001
I had my first appt. with my surgeon on March 8th 2001 & had surgery on May 1st 2001. The longest wait was on insurance approval.
   — psstanz

July 29, 2001
I got my referral from my PCP on 3/23/00, consult with surgeon on 4/7/00 and surgery on 8/28/00. The hardest part was being scheduled for my surgeon's required class.
   — Char S.

July 29, 2001
TOTALLY depends on your insurance. I am with Kaiser, started the process in December 2000, and have still not had my initial consultation with my surgon, eventhough I was approved in May... Best of luck- E-mail me if you are with kaiser, Id be happy to answer your questions.
   — Coryn C.

July 29, 2001
I am with Kaiser in S. Cal. First PCP consult was 5/26 surgery is scheduled for 9/11---less than 3 months from referral to surgery.
   — [Anonymous]

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