What exactly do they do to prep you for surgery, just befor surgery?

Please do not leave out anything. Sometimes I feel like things are being left out. How does it compair to a C-Cection. I have had three of them I am just trying to get prepared. Thank you for your answers and your help. All i am waiting for is my surgery date.    — katrinaleusby (posted on May 30, 2001)

May 30, 2001
katrina, i had 2 vaginal births, so I can't compare it to a c section...but the first 2 days post op hurt worse than anything I ever imagined, but by the 3rd day i felt much better and have not regretted it since. as for pre op....i walked into the pre op are and put on a hospital gown. they weighed me and started my iv. they gave me something like pepcid for the gas and they must have slipped me a sedative cause i don't have any memory of leaving that area or going into the OR. I have a very faint memory of post op and first thing i was really aware of I was in my room and wanting to get up to pee. I had another surgery once before and remember being in post op and complaining of pain but mostly i was just in and out of sleep. The worst thing about pre op was waiting for the surgery to begin...i guess i was in there about an they say the waiting is the hardest part!!!!!
   — Kathy831

May 30, 2001
After going through the admitting department at the hospital they escorted me to the pre-op area where they gave me a gown to change into. At this point my husband and daughter had to wait elsewhere. They brought in all the consent forms for me to sign. I was so scared and nervous by that time that I almost changed my mind. I felt better after my husband and daughter were allowed in to see me. They started an IV and I waited on the bed under a nice warm blanket. The anestheologist came in while I was in the bathroom and my teenage daughter (all 105 lbs. of her) was sitting on the bed - he was a bit startled, checked his chart and thought he was in the wrong place, obviously my skinny daughter didn't need wls! After I came back we talked about the anesthesia and my doctor stopped by after he finished the surgery before mine. My boss (a pastor) stopped in to see me and we had prayer together. Before long they were wheeling me down the hallway and I said goodby to my family. I remember being wheeled into the OR, moving on to the table and saying a few words to the anestheologist and that was it. They put me out much quicker than my three previous surgeries which was good because I was getting really nervous. The next thing I remember was waking up in the recovery room. I kept floating in and out of sleep.
   — georgiacarol

May 30, 2001
When I arrived at the hospital, they put me in my room, took my bp, I changed into a gown, they started an IV, I got some pepcid, had a valium, my stomach was shaved and I received a shot in my stomach to help prevent blood clots. They wheeled me to the OR holding place, anesthesiologist spoke with me, so did my surgeon, then off to the OR and I was gently strapped down, mask over my face and that was it. I don't even remember recover, I just remember getting to my room. That is about it.
   — Mary B.

May 30, 2001
Hi Katrina, feel free to read my profile as well. I was as extensive in describing my hospital stay the best I could before I got tired of typing and wrapped it up, lol! Sorry, I can't compare the surgery to a C-section since I have no children. Good luck! Laura
   — Laura P.

May 31, 2001
Hi Katrina, I saw your question and noticed you didnt say what type of surgery you are having. I dont know if it's different, but I had an Open VBG. I had already been to the hosp for pre-op testing and was registered. So on the morning of surgery all I did was check in at desk, they put arm band on and took me to room. The nurse came and gave me a gown to change into. She took all vital signs, like temp,blood pressure. They took some blood and checked my sugar level since I was diabetic. She gave me a cap to cover my hair. Then I had the dreaded enema. It wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. I had never had 1 and was nervous about it. The nurse was very gentle and it was over before I knew it. She said ok I'm done, and I said "it was that fast?" Then after I went to the bathroom and got in bed, they came to take me to preop holding. The anesthesiologist came in and talked to me then put an IV in my arm. The Dr came in and talked to me about what procedure I was having, did I have any question, etc. Then the anesthesiologist came back and gave me some good drugs. I know they were good cause I dont even remember being wheeled into surgery. Next thing I woke up in recovery, people were talking to me, but all I wanted was to sleep. I remember being taken to my room, but drifted in and out. It wasn't as bad as I had expected and I didnt have much pain at all. I think I only used the pain pump twice. The important thing is to get up and walk as soon as they let you. It really makes you feel better as opposed to laying flat on your back in that uncomfortable bed. They next few days went fast and I was at home YEA. Hope that helps you. It will be ok. God Bless, Leah
   — leah D.

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