Does the surgeon's office typically send a copy of the letter to you the patient?

I read in a different Q&A, to not assume that the surgeon sent off his letter to the insurance company until you have received a copy of that letter yourself. Is that really true? And is it also true that some surgeon's office's have such backload, they wait a month or so to even send it out? I was told by my surgeon's assistant that it will take 4-6 weeks to hear from the insurance. 'They take a long time', she said. I have a ways to go yet, so I don't want to call her. But was curious on what I should 'expect'. Thanks everyone, Annie    — Annie R. (posted on May 9, 2001)

May 8, 2001
I was told it would take 4-6 weeks for approval as well. What I later found out was that the first documentation sent to my insurance from the surgeons office was a generic letter with my data sheet. The insurance company then sent a letter to the surgeon and copied to me that they needed a letter of necessity. That same week, the surgeons office sent me a copy of the letter that they had completed and mailed RECENTLY. I couldn't believe it! I was beginning to really get worried about my insurance approval when all along, the actual "letter" hadn't been submitted. I called my insurance company direct. From the time they received my medical records and the surgeon's letter, the actual approval took approximately 5 days. My suggestion would be to stay in contact with your insurance company to see if they have received all needed documentation. Hang in there. I know it is very stressful waiting on an approval. It was agony for me but if it is meant to happen, it will! Stay vigilant and informed. I know the surgeon's offices get really backed up with insurance red tape. It is a shame that because so many people don't pay their medical bills that we ALL get punished and that with all of the documentation of obesity that there are still insurance companys out there that question and deny treatemtn.
   — Margaret B.

May 8, 2001
There can be tremendous variation even with the same surgeon. When I had my surgery done, my consult was on 3/8/00, letter sent to insurance on 3/24 (with a copy to me), and approval from insurance on 3/27. A year later, my husband is using the same surgeon and had his consult on 3/8/01, letter faxed to insurance on 4/18 (no copy), insurance said they didn't receive it so we faxed again on 4/26. As of 5/8, it is still pending. - Kate -
   — kateseidel

May 8, 2001
Read my profile, my surgeon said 4-6 weeks before I would hear from the insurance co. That was the end of last October and it took me until March, and that was after a lot of phone calls. Don't assume anything. BUT above all be POLITE> as hard as it may get. Customer service at the insurance co are people too. ( AT LEAST ONE OF THEM WAS)
   — Sue H.

May 9, 2001
I had my consult on April 27, 2001, received a copy of the letter May 7 and I was approved on May 8th. Surgery is June 18th. I called the surgeons office when I got the letter and was advised that they would submit to my medical group that day. If you are going through your medical group, they are the ones to approve, not your insurance company. Best of Luck.
   — Cheryl C.

May 9, 2001
I called my insurance company 4 weeks after my initial consult and was told repeatedly they had not received info. So I started the pre-cert myself. The Nurses then called my Surgeons office for me and got the ball rolling. I think it helped to put a little fire under his rear end but in a nice way. A little persistence never hurts and it was less than a week before the received the info they needed.
   — kristen H.

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