My surgeon requires an Upper GI before WLS. Is that routine? Why does he want that?

I would be having a Proximal RNY, and before surgery, my surgeon wants an Upper GI done. I feel like a dolt forgeting to ask him why. Does anyone know why he would want that? What he is looking for? Ulcers perhaps? I thought an Upper GI is routine after surgery, not before. Am I misinformed? Thanks a bunch, Annie    — Annie R. (posted on May 1, 2001)

May 1, 2001
Annie, my doctor requests one. I would assume that this is to make sure there is nothing wrong with your stomach or to help to forsee any problems that may arize. Maybe something that would need to be cleared up before surgery. The procedure itself doesn't take long and it's really not that bad. God Bless, Tammy
   — Tammy V.

May 1, 2001
My doctor required one for two reasons. 1) to make sure there are no problems and 2) he uses that as a "roadmap" for surgery. With information from the Upper GI, he knows the shape, size and exact location of the espohpgas, stomach and intestines. He uses it to plan his surgery strategy ahead. Good luck!!
   — Anika R.

May 2, 2001
My surgeon did not require this.
   — Lisa B.

May 2, 2001
My surgeon requires one...along with a gallbladder ultrasound. This will verify that there are no problems with the digestive tract that would interfere with this surgery---imagine waking up after surgery only to be told that the operation wasn't completed due to ulcers, etc.!! The gallbladder ultrasound checks for gallstones--if there are any, my surgeon will yank that baby right out. He also requires pulmonary and cardiac clearance. It's always better to know ahead of time any and all information that will assist the process. (((((HUGS)))))
   — Sharon N.

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