I have been on Predisone off and on for 2 years.

They will not do the surgery until I can be off the Predisone for 6-8 months. I was wondering if anyone eles has come across this problem? I would really like to have the surgery in December if I can get off the Predisone. I appricate any help I can get. Nancy    — carnan6848 (posted on August 9, 2005)

August 9, 2005
I hurt my back two weeks after RNY surgery and was put on Prednisone for a month. It completely stopped my weight loss. The first 3 weeks after surgery I lost 24 lbs. After that the Prednisone kicked in and I only lost 14 more pounds for a total of only 40 lbs! I am now almost two years out and have lost absolutely nothing since 5 months out. My total weight loss is still only 40 lbs. This is the reason your doctor wants you off of Prednisone before the surgery. Listen to them.. get off it.. and much good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 10, 2005
I was on prednisone for almost 8 years. My surgeon before wls told me that I had to be off of it for 3 months before having wls. I was taking 15 mg a day. I came off of it cold turkey as to say and had tremendous pain and cause I have rheumatoid arthritis severe. Prednisone breaks down body tissue and prevenst healing that is why your dr wants you to be off of it before surgery so long. I was able to take 5 mg after surgery and low and behold it stopped my weightloss and have for 5 months. I was told by my dr to give it 6 months to get out of my system completely before the weightloss would start again. The 6 months started in June of 2005 and I have 5 more months left to see if any results I guess. While off the prednisone I took methotrexate and humira and the pain was not as bad. I also took darvocet and tylenol arthritis for the bad pain which I still do. Hope this helps.
   — mspisces

August 10, 2005
Hi I was on 5 mg of prednisone for almost a year before RNY. The surgeon didn't say a word about it or getting off of it, went right back on it after. I did lose 175# but very slowly, am still on prednisone for RA. I often wondered what effect, if any it was having on my weight loss. I just had to do a burst of it, am allergic to the sun now (???) and boy it kick started my appetite, I'm hungry all the time now. Good luck Nut
   — Nut Picker

August 10, 2005
I was on predisone for several years for treatment of polycystic (was the treatment of choice in the early 80's) I had to have emergency surgery and the predisone did not react well with the anesethia (sp?) and caused me to go into shock so this may be a reason also. I am sure it depends on the dose you take also. Nancy
   — nefish

August 10, 2005
what are you taking prednisone for? if it is asthma than you need to se a pulmonologist and have them prescribe something else. Prednisone for me was used to open my airways and when i had a reaction to allergy shots. check with your other doctors they can come up with something for you.
   — laida

August 11, 2005
I was just started on 20 mg of Prednisone. Supposed to take for only 5 days. Ulnar nerve problem.Thank you for posting this question, I am not going to finish the pills..I am at goal and do not want to regain a pound..
   — Kathy S.

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