Dizziness post-op

Yes, I looked this up in the libaray, but I didn't get a good answer. I get dizzy standing up for a long time. I am getting in lots of water (13 days post-op). Will this go away soon?    — Renee B. (posted on November 24, 2003)

November 24, 2003
I was having the same problem and read on this site that low potassium could cause that so located a list of potassium rich foods on the web and I make sure I get plenty each day. Haven't had any more problems but you might not want to delay in talking to your doctor about it. Low potassium can be serious.
   —  SCbabe B.

November 24, 2003
Definately check with your doctor. At 2 weeks out I was feeling dizzy at times and it was because my blood pressure meds. were too strong for me since I had lost weight. My doctor cut my meds. in half and the dizziness stopped, now I am completely off of all prescription meds.
   — tazfan

November 24, 2003
Call your surgeon ASAP. I had this trouble, it lasted at least 6 months. But it might be serious and you probably will get bloodwork to check. Tended to be worse late in the afternoon when our circidian rythym resets. Get up SLOW and avoid sudden moves.
   — bob-haller

November 24, 2003
Lack of potassium can cause this. Also, one of the common reasons for dizziness is anemia, which is very common in our WLS. Definately bloodwork needs to be done as soon as possible. Take Care.
   — Karen Renee

November 24, 2003
Hi, Renee: I'm having the same problem. I'm 3 months out and I get very weak, shaky and dizzy from standing. I have even fainted. My labs have all been fine, and I just had a tilt-table study done last week, where I was strapped to a table and forced to stand for 40 minutes. A machine took my heart rate and blood pressure every minute. While my blood pressure didn't really change, my heart rate got up into the 150s after just a few minutes. This is where it should be if I were exercising at about 90 percent. I became very weak, and I shook so bad that I felt like I was having convulsions. I was also very dizzy and light-headed. Needless to say, I don't feel this is normal. I'm waiting for a cardiologist to interperet the report and see what I should do. <p>At this point, I don't have any advice for you, but I wanted to let you know you're not alone!</p> <p>Take care, Moysa
   — Moysa B.

November 24, 2003
Please check with your doctor. So many things can cause dizziness such as dehydration, low or high blood pressure, glucose levels in your system.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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