Has anyone experienced allergic reactions after Open Rny?

I spent 4 days in hospital and came home with Liquid Percoset & Celphalen Antibiotic? I began breaking out in welps and red sploches all over my body including fingers neck back tand fee. I stopped them all together via Dr. orders and it is still happening! I am going crazy! I see my Dr Monday. Has anyone experienced this or does anyone know whats going on??? Thanks    — Deborah B. (posted on November 20, 2003)

November 21, 2003
At about 4 mos. out I began to have itching on my neck, upper arms, breasts and thighs. After much testing and several medications the Allergist put me on Zyrtec once a day. It has been the only thing to relieve the rashes and itching. I am 10.5 mos. out now and still take the Zyrtec with good results. They never did diagnose what the problem was but figure it is something lacking in the body after surgery. Good luck! 252/129 (at goal!!)
   — sherry H.

November 21, 2003
Hey Deborah~ The thing about allergic reactions is that you may not have been allergic to either of these meds before, but having been exposed to them now, has caused the reaction. You may have taken them successfully in the past, not have any reactions, but this particular exposure has caused your body to make antibodies against it. And to avoid having an even more serious reaction, such as anaphylaxis, you should never take either one, since you were on both you can't be sure which of the 2 caused this. And you never know when the reaction is going to be more serious. HTH -->
   — Marni

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