With having no thyroid, will that affect the rate I lose?

I had my thyroid removed due to cancer in 2000. I am preparing for WLS and am so excited for this chance to LIVE again, however I was curious to know if I would be a "slow Loser" due to this? I just had the worst nightmare that I had this done and didnt lose any weight! I know Im probably just scared of being this way forever, but would love to hear from anyone else who's went thru this. Thank you    — missdjv B. (posted on May 31, 2003)

May 30, 2003
I've had half my thyroid removed and have been on Synthroid for the past 27 years and I've lost 177 pounds to date since last July 17. I assume that you are taking thyroid hormone as well...JR
   — John Rushton

May 31, 2003
I had my entire thyroid removed in 1983. I had open rny on 9/20/02 and have lost 133lbs. I don't seem to be having any trouble loosing. I do keep my level checked regularly to make sure it is running smooth and synthroid dose is ok. Good Luck
   — Peggy A.

May 31, 2003
Hello fellow thycan & "cut-throat." ;~) I started my WLS journey with a thyroid gland and ended it without one due to papillary thyca. It didn't keep me from reaching goal, though I fretted (unnecessarily as it turned out) about whether I'd have stalled weight loss from going "hypo" for radiation. During the "hypo" period (when I was five months post-op from WLS), I quit losing weight but didn't gain either. I think I avoided gaining by staying away from carbs, big time, during that period (I feel sure I'd have gained if I'd eaten them then, given you can't really exercise much while hypo either). When they put me back on meds after radiation, I started losing again, no problem. If you don't have to go hypo, and your Synthroid is at a good level now, I can't see why your weight loss would be affected at all by lack of a thyroid gland. Good luck!
   — Suzy C.

May 31, 2003
Peggy, Suzy, John.....thank you all for your replies! I look forward to being on the "losing" side with you all
   — missdjv B.

June 1, 2003
I still have mine, but have been on meds for it for 10 years now since it is underactive (I take levoxill since I'm allergic to synthroid). I'm almost 6 weeks post op, and down 31 lbs. You may loose slowly (I do get frustrated when I see posters out the same ammount of time, and down almost 2x what I've lost), but you may loose it more quickly. To be honnest, I would rather loose a little slower as it is less stressful on your body. Good luck and God bless! You'll love being on the loosing side no matter the rate you loose!
   — mellyhudel

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