What does an endoscopy (sp?) feel like?

I have to go have them look down my throat because I mentioned I have heart burn now and again and I was wondering what the test felt like and how long it takes? I have a super-over-active gag reflex. I can't even suck on a lolly-pop without gagging. How big is the camera? Like a pencil wide or more like a magic marker or (gasp) even bigger?????? I'm freaking out. This is (GOD WILLING) the last test I have to take before getting approval.    — Renee B. (posted on May 18, 2003)

May 18, 2003
Renee, Don't worry about the endoscopy. You will be unconscious - or at least I was. They insert and IV and then you are given some medication to help you relax (my doctor used Demerol) and then right before the procedure starts they will have you lie on your left side, put a plastic piece in your mouth which is what the tube with the camera threads trough (you hold it with your teeth and it's very short) then they start the good meds in the IV - my doctor used Versaid and you go to sleep. The entire process from that point forward takes maybe 10 -15 minutes at the most. Then you go to recovery for an hour and they give you some juice or something to drink when you wake up. You don't feel or remember anything. Some people have a bit of a sore throat afterwards, but I didn't. Good luck to you.
   — Patty_Butler

May 18, 2003
The anesthesia they used knocked me out, I don't remember a thing.
   — Linda A.

May 18, 2003
I have the world's greatest gag reflex...I'm the dentists' worse nightmare come x-ray time! I definitely felt the procedure, and remember gagging a little, and remember being told "breath through your NOSE!", but it was over quickly, and it was practically painless. At the end, I got pretty, colorful pictures to take home & share with my family :) Of all the pre-ops, this was the worst for me....but reading answers to this question, I apparently would be the exception? You'll do fine...small price to pay to check on the health of your esophogus & stomach....Good luck!***Amy
   — Amy A.

May 18, 2003
I had the endo done twice. Frist time was no meds, they didn't give me enough and it was not soon enough. I slept AFTER the test was done. It was very difficult to get through without sedation. I gagged and dry heaved so much that all of the bloodvessles in my face and eyes blew up. My face was swollen and had red blotches and the whites of my eyes were red. I looked like a character in an X-Men movie. Scarry stuff. The second time I had the endo was because I switched surgeons and he required the test also. This time I was properly sedated at the last second, the tube was in my mouth, I had one small gag then I was out. I woke up about 20 minutes later and was told the actual test was about 3-4 minutes. This is an important test to view the lining of the esophegus and stomach before surgery and is usually done by the surgeon who will be operating on you. The tube is about the diameter of your index finger, the light, camera and biopsy tweeser in on the end. They are very small. The tube is very smooth. Please make sure you will get good sedation for the test. I was given some rinse and spit topical anisthetic to numb my throat, demerol in the IV then a shot of versaid just before insertion of the tube. Good luck to you!
   — mary ann T.

May 18, 2003
I was under general anestesia and when I woke up I had a really bad sore throat that lasted approx. 2 days. It is not so bad, just prepare for a sore throat.
   — Shayla527

May 18, 2003
Honestly, I had a tough time with it. The anesthesia didn't put me out at all and I was awake through it. They also didn't use any topical anesthesia on my throat, that I recall. I have a pretty strong gag reflex and was pretty embarrassed at the way I was gagging, heaving, crying and BURPING, LOL, as they put the tube down. It was completely involuntary on my part, my whole body fought it. I kept thinking that if they gave me a minute to regroup, maybe I could calm down and try to go with it, try to swallow the thing - but I'm sure they know the best way and that's just to get it over with! The good news is that it didn't take long, and I don't remember any pain once the tube was actually down. In fact, it seemed they pretty much pulled it right out again, the whole thing could only have been a matter of two minutes, tops. Don't mean to worry you, but I don't want to sugarcoat it either! Lots of people told me the endoscopy would be "nothing" but I hated it worse than the surgery! Also, I had a bit of a sore throat afterwards but the worst part is just those few seconds as they work the tube down. So, it can be extremely uncomfortable for some people, but that period of discomfort is blessfully short! Maybe if they know your worries in advance, they'll take more care to put you out. Couldn't hurt to ask!
   — sandsonik

May 18, 2003
First of all do your homework and find a GOOD gastro doctor. The upper endoscopy is a SKILL.Not all doctors are good at it. Ask others how their doctor was. If it is done correctly you should not have any discomfort. The scope is about an inch thick, not as big as a marker, but bigger than a pencil. They should be spraying the back of your throat to numb it and they use an IV medication that you are not out, but very relaxed. (even though people think they are out)It has an amnesia effect. You have to cooperate with swallowing the tube, when they tell you to, so you can't be "out" The medication should be give initially, then as you can or cannot tolerate the procedure they give bump doses. Your doctor should be in tune to your comfort at all times. The gag reflex is just a bit until the tube passes the throat. Its not a big deal, again, if its done right.
   — ZZ S.

May 18, 2003
wow, what a wide range of experiences. Guess I'm one of the luckier ones. Mine was a breeze, they started an IV, then sprayed my throat, before they sprayed it they told me to take a deep breath and hold it while they sprayed, then blow out the left over mist other wise it can make cough and hack. They stuck tis plastic tube about an inch 1/2 long and an inch round. They knocked me out and i remember nothing. I had no soar throat, or anything. It was like i took a nap. I have to go have another one to remove a polyp. Good luck you'll be fine
   — Amanda P.

May 18, 2003
I had at least 4 over the past 8 months and I didn't feel a thing and never had a sore throat.
   — Lisa B.

May 19, 2003
I've had three EGD's and 2 endoscopic ultrasounds in the last four months. The regular EGD they start an IV, then numb your throat with a spray. They then put Demoral and Versed in your IV and your off to lala land (and man the combo of those drugs are wonderful). More than likely you will not remember a thing. Now with the endoscopic ultrasounds it is the same procedure but the tube is much larger. That sucked bad. I remember everything..the gagging, burping. It was really bad. Someone must drive you there because they will not let you leave on your own. Good luck and don't worry the EGD were really nothing.
   — lindadougherty

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