Found out I'm probably lactose intolerant, in additionto ulcer, maybe irritable bowel

I had a perforated ulcer that i needed repaired through emergency surgery 3 months ago. I went to a gastroenterologist today thinking i'm still in pain from that, but he said I am most likely lactose intolerant, and possibly have irritable bowel syndrome. I also have dibilitating chronic daily headaches (that is the diagnositc term as well), so I have been sick for over a year. I guess I am just really upset since atleast 1/2 of my protein intake is from cheese, milk and yogurt. I've heard that a large majority of people are lactose intolerant after RNY, so I'm sure many of you are dealing with this. I know I can still eat chicken and beef and fish, but have any ideas for what else? I've been coming to terms with my sicknesses, but I guess now I'm just at a loss, I'm kinda depressed, just feel like it is one more thing on my plate- I'm only 23! Any info would be greatly appreciated- thanks!    — Lezlie Y. (posted on March 12, 2003)

March 12, 2003
I also developed a problem post op with milk causing diarrhea and gas. It was very uncomfortable so I can sympathize with you. However my particular problem only occured when I would drink milk. I have no problems with cheese or other milk products. Try just eliminating the milk itself for a couple of days and re introduce the cheese and such one thing at a time. Everyone is different so some things may bother you and others may not.
   — Laura H.

March 12, 2003
I am lactose intolerant, but can eat dairy that does not contain lactose, such as cheese. I have never counted any of those toward my protein intake, of course, but only milk (& ice cream) give me The Miseries. But that's ok, as they'd also pudge me up. I've lived almost 9 yrs lactose free, so it's not a big deal. You might find your IBS goes away when you cut milk out of your life. I use whey proteins that are also lactose free, with water.
   — vitalady

March 12, 2003
I became lactose intolerant after surgery and I'm 22. I bought some lactase pills and I take one of those before I eat <i>anything</i> with dairy. I use the generic ones from Wal-mart - a pack of 60 is around $8. I'm fine if I take the pill, but otherwise I can't do milk, yogurt, cheese, etc... Good luck!
   — Toni C.

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