Redness found during endoscopy, & surgery date moved up.

I went for my endoscopy this past Tuesday, the doc said everything looked okay, just saw some redness, and took a couple of biopsy's. He prescribed Nexium. The next day my surgeons office called and said they had a cancellation, did I want to move my date up. Of course I did, but now I'm worried that there might be something wrong, and won't be able to be fixed by Jan. 31, my new date. Should I do anything, I'm not scheduled to see my gastroenterologist until five days before surgery, it may be to late my then, HELP!!    — Jennifer C. (posted on January 17, 2003)

January 17, 2003
hi, take a deep breath and relax. try not to worry about anything being wrong. it could be nothing, and then all the worry would be a waste. take the nexium and think good thoughts. everything will be ok. yeah for your new surgery date. take care,
   — kimberly T.

January 17, 2003
Don't worry,when I had my EGD, My doc found redness and inflamation and perscribed prevacid, he also did a biopsy to check for H pylori,and it came back negative, so mine was just due to to much acid in my stomach...GERD. My daughter also was scoped last year and she had awful pain and burnning and the doc did a biopsy on her and she DID have the H pylori bacteria and he put her on Prev pac and Prilocec. and that took care of it but now she is on aciphex. These drugs are what are called proton pump inhibitors, they prevent the stomach from producing too much acid, which if over produced, can cause redness and irritation. So with all that said, you will probably be fine or he would have put you on antibotics to clear it up, and they would have delayed your surgery until the H pylori was gone. Call and see if your report came back yet, and if it is positave for H pylori, see if they can start you on the antibotics sooner. it is usualy a 10 days on antibotics. Sorry so long good, luck on your journey :0)
   — wizz46

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