My SURGEON prescribed celebrex after ulcer surgery- thought this wasn't allowed!?

I recently had a marginal ulver- big hole in my small stomach. It was over 3 weeks ago, and am still in a great deal of pain. They ran test after test, CAT Scan, Galleum Scan, found nothing. My surgeon thinks it could be muscular or inlammation, and am just sensitive to surgery (It took me a while to recover from LAP RNY as well) He prescribed Celebrex b/c he doesn't want me on percocets anymore. But I heard this has aspirin and is anti-inflammatory, both of which were no-no's after WLS. Should I really take this- I'm a bit worried considering I just had emergency surgery for an ulcer. Thanks for your help in advance...    — Lezlie Y. (posted on January 9, 2003)

January 9, 2003
Lezlie, First I have to say that I have read your profile. You have been though so much! Good for you just for the way you keep going! My surgeon also prescribed celebrex for me post lap RNY. However, 6 weeks later when I was hospitalized with an ulcer, they said to eliminate it, even though I was only using it for menstrual pain. He told me that most people would do fine taking it, but since I did end up with the ulcer to stop. Same with Vioxx. Best WIshes in your process.
   — Heather N.

January 9, 2003
I believed the hype about Celebrex for a minute. Even after a lifetime history of ulcer, my PCP convinced me this would be fine. BUT the way it works is to inhbit acid production, while it treats the inflammation. Good concept. BUT it also prevents the forming of normal mucous. So, it not only burns the lining, it also stops the pouch from even being able to protect itself! In that way, they can be more deadly than the original NSAIDS. Just a coupla weeks on Celebrex cost me 4 MONTHS on Prilosec 40mg, 4 X per day! That's a lot of treting for a coupla weeks error.
   — vitalady

January 10, 2003
My doctor told me that I could not take anything with aspiran products. Is this your WLS physician? I wouldn't take it! Find out if there's anything else that doesn't contain aspiran that you can take.
   — dolphins94

January 10, 2003
Thanks for your help. I don't think I am going to take CELEBREX. Any drug that says you MUST eat, drink 8 ounces of water, as well as cannot lay down within 30 minutes of taking it kind of scares me. I read other posts about Celebrex and it seems many people have had problems. For every one person on here who is ok from it, 2 more had problems, and that frightens me. And considering I was one of the unlucky few who had a hole in my stomach, I don't have great luck and just have a bad feeling this drug can cause me problems as well. Thanks again!!
   — Lezlie Y.

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