What are signs/symptoms of blood clots and pneumonia for new post-ops to look for?

I am 6 days post-op. i have posted a few times before, i am trying to learn as much as possible. Just wondering the signs of pneumonia and/or blood clots if anyone can help. i have pain in my left leg, but it is really in my shin and may be something else. it may be the bone, but there is no bruise there, but also no redness. i have a heaviness in my chest. BUT I should also mention i am a hypocondriach (Spelling?) and worry alot about the complications of this surgery right now. sorry, i just want to be safe and concerned. I have called my surgeon a few times the past 2 days, but he has not called me back. I'm 22, with no health problems really. Thanks for your help ahead of time!    — Lezlie Y. (posted on June 6, 2002)

June 6, 2002
I'm sorry that I don't have an exact answer to your question, however, you have several things you can do to find out. First, check out your medical concerns through WebMD.Com and you can find out through them, Second, go to your local library and check out a medical book, Third, call your clinic and ask a doctor/nurse..mose clinics have a help line or a triage nurse you can talk to for questions & concerns. And when in a severe case, call 911 for immediate help. GOOD LUCK! p.s. don't be afraid to call your doctor or clinic triage nurse for your concerns.
   — Jena C.

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