Surgeon charges $2600 for Nutrionalj Counseling

Surgeon charges $2600 for Nutritional Counseling. Wants to be paid for it up front. Have you had such charges? Did insurance pay for any of it? Is this unreasonable? The counseling consists of biweekly support groups.    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 8, 2001)

February 8, 2001
That seems very unreasonable. My surgeon is part of a team that is located in a hospital. There is a nutrionist, a psychologist and an RN on the team as well as 2 surgeons. We can call up for help anytime we want and are not charged for this service. The hospital is doing about 12 surgeries a week so they are making enough money to fund this program but I really think it's a well rounded, supportive program. The nutritionist spoke to us for about 1.5 hours prior to surgery and is available by phone for us whenever we have additional questions while transitioning from liquids, to purees to solids; But I can't imagine charging $2600 for this. It sounds fishy to me. Also, our hospital has 2 support group meetings a month which are wonderful for pre and post op patients. I'd question this, or at least see if insurance can pay it. Good luck to you.
   — laceybaby

February 8, 2001
That seems very, very, high!! I had to go to 4 nutritional meetings lasting 2 hours long. My cost was $70. Our support group meetings are $10 per week. It is on a pay as you go basis. I would definitely double check.
   — Trina L.

February 8, 2001
My insurance won't pay for dieticians, and that's who my surgeon expects us to see. So, I went once before surgery and the dietician gave me a copy of the postop diet and "read" it to me (by way of explanation) and I chose not to return. I don't need someone to simply "read" to me, as I am a very good reader. I fully comprehend what I've read, and if I need to, I can go back and read it again. Isn't that fascinating? My surgeon agreed and said that was "ok" with him, but his nurse chewed me out one time and the next time treated me with a bit of disgust regarding my decision. Of course, she is skinny and never has had a weight problem, apparently, so I don't regard highly her opinions. I would think that you wouldn't be REQUIRED to attend these expensive meetings.
   — Cindy H.

February 8, 2001
Get another surgeon! My surgeon has the complete program included in his fee and gives out his pager number and e-mail address if you need him for any reason, including "now what do I eat". Most support groups are free, or maybe a small fee to cover room rental, printing, etc. That fee is outrageous.
   — robyn S.

February 8, 2001
In my search for a surgeon and reviewing this site on a regular basis, I have discovered one surgeon in California who requires a $3,000 fee up front. His web site says: "We request a Program Fee of $3,000 from every patient scheduled for any surgical weight reduction procedure. This program fee is due two weeks, 10 business days, prior to your scheduled surgery date. We accept money order, cashier's check, or credit card. Non-payment of fee will result in rescheduling of your surgery date. This fee will cover costs that are non-covered by insurance such as pre-operative and post-operative support groups, publications, and on-going database monitoring." These "tacked on" fees can only help a few of his patients since many live hundreds of miles away. I'm going to use someone else because I believe this is quite unethical.
   — [Anonymous]

May 29, 2001
WOW! I never heard of those "extra" fees. My surgery is in July and I had to pay $200 for the pre-op nutritional appt and that covers a whole year of follow ups, including e-mail access. :-) I paid another $200 for the psych consult and all my surgeon costs and other fees are covered by my insurance.
   — Lisa L.

May 29, 2001
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of, and the first time I have ever heard of such. Please find another qualified surgeon. The programs normally include a 2 yr follow up, appointments are scheduled usually 2 week, 4 week, 8 week, etc to 6 months post op, then every 3 months till you get to a yr or so., support groups once or twice a month, and this is all part of the package. My post op appointments always included a talk with the nutritionist as well as the counselor for anything other problems I might be experiencing. AND, for the inbetween appointment times, they were only a phone call away, always willing to answer any questions (also part of the pkg). Please reconsider who you are using, before they take you to the cleaners.
   — Lisa A.

October 6, 2003
I am having surgery here in California and my Dr charges $4,000 for weight loss counseling and follow up (not sure what the actual term was that they quoted)as he says the insurance companies do not reimburse enough to keep these Dr. performing these operations. I have checked with all the surgeons here and they do not take blue cross ppo any longer as most are saying they do not pay enough to make it worth their while. Some dr.'s here in Sacramento even say you should take out a loan for the surgery because after all you would for a car or a house and what is more important than your health so he feels this is a priority over a car or house that is his reasoning. I am traveling to Auburn CA from Galt to have mine done.
   — Melinda W.

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