Will me having gallstones affect the decision for me to have this surgery?

Hi, I am 22 and probably weight between 315 and 350. I never had a doctor watch a diet for me I just did yo you diets. And a year ago I found out that I have gallstones and they want me to lose weight. I can't do it with help. My body doesn't tell me I can't have this or that so I eat it. I really want this surgery but I am afraid that because I have gallstones if they won't do it. Can someone please help me and tell me if they would or wouldn't do the surgery?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 4, 2001)

January 3, 2001
I diddnt know it, but when i went for my pre-op ultra sound...they found Multipal gallstones.....the surgon said they will just take out my gallbladder at the same time.
   — Lori-ann J.

January 4, 2001
Dont worry - I also found out I had gallstones and my gallbladder needs to be removed at my preop visit. The surgeon will do both at the same time.
   — Anna B.

January 4, 2001
Thanks you three, I really appreciate you all answering my question, this site feels like a family. Thanks
   — Stephanie P.

January 4, 2001
I didn't even know I had gallstones. But when I had my surgery 2 weeks ago the Dr. found one, so he took out my gall bladder. I'm sure glad I didn't have laparascopic surgery of he probably wouldn't have caught it. Good luck toyou
   — Carol R.

January 4, 2001
This will not affect your getting to have the surgery. I had the LAP RNY and the doc said the first thing they did was check for gall stones. He said if they found them they would remove my gall bladder, Laproscopically! Your surgeon will most likely remove it when they operate. Then you won't have to take that terrible pill I'm having to take to prevent the stones. Ursadiol. Yuck!
   — Perri T.

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