I was approved on Dec. 17th, and I am still waiting for a surgery date.

BTC says the Doctor has to sign off the file before they can even schedule a date. He has already signed off the different reports. This is frustrating. waiting for a day so they can schedule. Then you know it will be at least two or three weeks beyooind that for the surgery. It seems to me it would be easier to set a date two to three weeks in advance and work to that goal. Has any one else had this,?    — C S. (posted on December 28, 1999)

December 28, 1999
Carin, I am going through BTC in Illinois and I had the same problem you did. They wait to get EVERYTHING togother and for the Dr to see it and sign off on it before they schedule. I was finally approved and am having surgery 1-19-00, but I kept calling, so I suggest you do too. Good Luck and God Bless (if it is ok to say that ^_^)
   — M B.

January 1, 2000
Hi, its me again, Carin. Ha answering my own question? No, just saying it is January 2nd, and I still have not had a phone call from the scheduler. BTC has been just fantastic, my patient counselor, Dianna, and Donna all called Addison for me,(the hospital they use) All told me the scheduler said she would give me a call. It has been 16 days now and I have not received a call back. I spoke with three of my freinds who had there surgery done through BTC, and they all said that when BTC called and let them know they were approved, they called scheduling and within 2 or 3 minutes they had a surgery date. If Scheduling won't even call me back what can I do? Any ideas help. I feel like I have been lost in the shuffle. Carin
   — C S.

January 2, 2000
I talked to the scheduler at BTC in Addison several times before I got my date. Her name is Susan Armstrong, at 517-547-6151. Call and ask for her directly, or ask when she will be in the office. She may not have your chart from Ann Arbor, or she may be waiting for your surgeon to sign off on your chart before scheduling. Keep calling until someone gives you an answer! Good Luck,
   — Lynn K.

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