Is there anyone out there that just says

I have read nothing but positive things from a lot of folks. Is there anyone out there who says "I just wish I would have never had this done because..." I too had the distal Open RNY in March of this year, and could not for the life of me figure out why someone would not be happy to be thin! I have lost 85 lbs. so far and feel better about myself than I have in many many years. Just curious to see if anyone regrets it??    — Lori D. (posted on September 12, 1999)

September 13, 1999
The surgery and the weight loss has changed my life in multitudes of ways! I couldn't be more pleased, I am recouping now from my revision, I'm three weeks post-op and have already lost 41 lbs. I wouldn't have changed my decision for anything. It's given me my life back!
   — Sherrie G.

September 13, 1999
I know of someone that had their surgery reversed because she didn't like not being able to eat what she wanted. I am still scratching my head over that one! I only have two regrets....I'm not losing fast enough and this surgery doesn't come with a 100% guarantee!!! LOL Diane in Fla Almost to the 1xx club....205 lbs Pre-op 263
   — Diane N.

September 13, 1999
Congratulations Lori on your weight loss. I too had an openRNY in April of 98(17mo ago) I have lost 159# so far. I can't tell you anything negative about the surg. because to me it has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. I just wanted to tell you that you are doing great- keep up the good work!! Jan Terry
   — Jan T.

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