How long from the first consultation with surgeon to surgery?

I spoke with my insurance company, they said all I needed was a referral from my doctor and that it was covered. I have my first consult with the surgeon on June 25. I start a new job the end of August so I only have a certain amount of time to have the surgery and recover before beginning work. Barring any major complications,and if my surgeon is available, what is the normal time period?    — Lakeisha P. (posted on June 15, 1999)

June 15, 1999
It really all depends soley on your doctor,how busy he is, and what pre-op stuff he wants done. I suggest you call your surgeon's office and ask to speak to the patient representive or someone who could help you, and tell them your situation. Maybe they can set your surgery date before seeing the surgeon. I haven't seen my surgeon yet, but have my date. So it is possible. Won't know unless you call. I am sure they will work as much as possible with you and your deadlines. Be positive and keep the strength, Edie [email protected] Surgery Date: July 27, 1999 Dr. Baker/Little Rock, Arkansas Benefit Administrators/First Source $176 Month/Family Plan "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched...but are felt in the heart." Helen Keller
   — Edie L.

June 15, 1999
That will depend on your surgeon's schedule. Mine was ready to schedule me two weeks after my first consult. I said slow down. Give me a couple weeks for this to set in. My surgery was about 4 weeks out and then 4 weeks before I went back to work.
   — dboat

June 15, 1999
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that my first consultation with my surgeon was on May 12th and I am having surgery in 3 days--JUNE 18TH. I think it went pretty fast..but you really have to stay on the butts of your primary care physician and your primary medical group who has granted you the referral. DON'T let them take their time and make you wait for anything, make sure you tell everyone involved that you have a time schedule to keep in order to make sure that you are able to start your new job when scheduled. GOOD [email protected]
   — Linda F.

June 16, 1999
Every doctor is different. I had my first consultation with the nurse that handles all the gastric bypass patients and then when I met with the doctor was just a couple of weeks before surgery. The time between the first visit and my surger (the nurse) was about 3 months. Like I said everyone is different and it depends upon how booked they are with surgery. I wish you luck though, on your surgery and your new job.
   — Rhonda B.

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