Medical Clearance for surgery issues ??????????????????

My LBL is scheduled for 6/27. I just took my pre-op blood tests for medical clearance and am seeing my PCP tomorrow for clearance for PS surgery. These are my low values. RBC 3.18 (normal 3.80-5.10), hemoglobin 10.4 (11.7-15.5), hemocrit 31.1 (35.0-45.0). My high values are BUN/creatinine ratio 36.7(6.0-25.0), bilirubin,total (1.32 (.20-1.30). My iron 72 (35-175)and everything else is normal. Am I in trouble?? Will my Pcp not give me clearance? I am very anxious about this. I don't think I can handle (emotionally) if surgery was poseponed after all I've been documentation for PS....    — Lynne C. (posted on June 15, 2005)

June 15, 2005
Lynne, I think that it is far more important that you are healthy before you go in for an elective surgery. The surgery that you are going in for is a serious surgery and you need to be healthy in every way possible. I know exactly what you are feeling right now, I had my PS postponed in January because of an overactive thyroid (Grave's disease). I was crushed, but I managed to get through it all. In the meantime, start doing some Google searches on what the low and high levels mean health wise. You will get through this, I did and my surgery is now rescheduled for August. PS it was a good thing that the doctors found out about my Grave's disease before I was put under because I could have had a heart attack or a stroke from the general anesthsia with untreated overactive thyroid. So, yes you may have a postponement, but your health is far more important right now. Good luck!
   — ChristineB

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