Is there medication that the Dr. can prescribe to increase sex drive?

I am 13 mnths post-op and down 148 pounds and my sex drive is so low its almost non-exsistant,I just have no desire, I love my husband dearly, but something is wrong. Before surgery I was fine, just wondering is there any medication that anyone can suggest? Please help    — msstacey (posted on January 7, 2005)

January 6, 2005
There are medications that can increase your sex drive, but your doctor is the authority on things like that. One thing that they give to increase libido is testosterone. Be aware of the side effects of taking it, if that is what your doctor prescribes. Also, if you had PCOS before you had surgery, your body produced an increased amount of natural testosterone and that is a good possibility why you didn't suffer problems with your libido preoperatively. PCOS can cause problems with infertility and weight gain, and a lot of morbidly obese women do suffer from it. WLS does usually help to resolve problems with the condition.
   — SnowWhiteDove459

January 6, 2005
Your doc can do tests to see if your hormones are out of whack. I had this problem and it was BAD. I tried the testosterone but it increased my anxiety (although it worked!) I think the problem was a combination of alot of things, including hormones and depression. Things are starting to improve, but nothing I tried really helped in the first couple of years.
   — mom2jtx3

January 7, 2005
I have asked my PCP about this many times, she said at this point there is nothing out there for us. I wish there was something. :(
   — TheresaC

January 7, 2005
As someone who has been on "Both Sides Now" (like the song) I can tell you from experience that testosterone will do it. But in my case I did'nt have to fear the side effects such as lowered voice, acme, increased hair (especial facial)and some other things that I won't mention on a site like this. However sometimes doctors prescribe very LOW doses of testosterone to increase the sex drive. Of course, this should ONLY BE DONE BY A DOCTOR! These things have to be monitored for your best interests. Please see a doctor. I'm guessing an Internal Medicine doctor, although it seems a Genocologist may be someone to help as well. Good luck. And do seek out help. Do this for both yourself and your hubby. You both deserve to be happy!
   — Danmark

January 8, 2005
I am currently taking testosterone orally and find it helps a little. I would be interested in hearing from those who maybe use other forms such as patches and cream to see what their response has been. You can email me privately at [email protected] . Thanks!
   — rinnchris

January 9, 2005
Depression will kill your sexdrive. Are you depressed? There are medications that will kill your sex drive, and some of them are antidepressents. </P> And others will pick it up . . . Wellbutrin has this reputation. </P> Talk to the doc . . . and good luck!
   — RWH G.

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