Has anyone had problem with depression related overspending go away post op?

I have issues with overspending and as a result have reaccuring financial problems. I know this is related to my own extremely poor self image and I use the "high" that I get from spending to make myself feel better. Has anyone else had this problem pre-op and had it improve post-op?    — danagates (posted on June 21, 2003)

June 21, 2003
I, too, had a problem with spending a lot of money. The "highs" you are referring to could very possibly be related to Bipolar Disorder. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago. Perhaps you should speak with your physician to get a more professional point of view. I was prescribed Lithium to help control my mood swings. My surgery (Lap RNY) was 1-28-03 and my last dose of Lithium was 1-30-03 in the hospital. I don't know that the surgery had anything to do with it, but I feel great off my meds. Good Luck to you! By the way, I am about 21 weeks out and down 90 pounds
   — Kim DeHart

June 21, 2003
I think there are so many forms of addiction and the need for instant gratification - you are certainly not alone. I personally think that if you have an area of your life (in your case the spending) that is an outlet for your anxiety or other issues, a way to leave troubles behind (like food has done for so many of us, obviously with a terrible outcome), if you haven't resolved your triggers, they will still be there. In fact, as you loose weight and actually NEED to buy more clothes, this may take your spending to new heights. I definitely recommend a psych eval if you haven't already had one. I have personally been seeing a counselor and recognize triggers and cut off compulsions before they get out of hand. I haven't "arrived" but I am so much more aware of my personality traits (good and bad) and how to work with them.
   — bethybb

June 22, 2003
I do have the same problem. I see a phychistrist. He put me on zoloft and recommended I find a hobby to keep me from geting boried. I also enrolled in college for the fall semster.
   — sheri B.

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