RE: Weight Watchers scales

Can anyone who's ever been on Weight Watchers tell me how far up their scales go? I have to have 6 months supervised diet before Cigna will consider my WLS request. I weigh 426 and am worried that my local WW chapter won't have a scale that can weigh me. There are no phone numbers listed for them on the WW website or in my local directory. Help! Thanks!    — Kelle W (posted on February 25, 2003)

February 25, 2003
HI,I had tried weight watchers prior to my surgery in 12/01. They had scales that weighed up to 500 lbs. I had gone to a permanent storefront weight watchers, not the ones that go from location to location. If you go to the actual place of business, instead of moving classes you should be all set.
   — mc H.

February 25, 2003
If you go to you can email them for support and ask your question. They should be able to help you.
   — Barbara S.

February 25, 2003
you also might want to try TOPS (taking off pounds sensibly). This can be considered a supervised diet, as you do have to join, and you do keep a book each week.....however, they are non profit I believe and MUCH cheaper. When I went about 5 years ago, I only paid $1 a week, and I think it was $20 to join. Beats $50 to join WW, plus $12 a week. You could try TOPS website to see if there is a group near your home.
   — rhonda2u

February 25, 2003
I think they go up to 500lbs. The last time I weighed on them I was 441lbs (14mos ago). So you should be fine. Take care,Toni Open RNY 01/10/02 -203lbs
   — toni D.

February 25, 2003
I don't know about the WW scales, but make sure that Cigna will count WW as a supervised diet. Some insurance companies require that the diet be supervised by a doctor. I'd just verify that with Cigna if I were you.
   — Amber L.

February 25, 2003
They may have different scales at different locations. However, they do use the doctor type scales and I don't think I've ever seen any that don't go to at least 350.
   — garw

February 25, 2003
When I attended it was one of those where they come to small local groups and the scale only went up to like 300. My diet buddy was well over their scale limit and they used two scales to weigh him. I'm not sure how reliable that is but that's how they handled the situation.
   — Shelly S.

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