Is it ok to get pregrant after surgery?

   — Lisa T. (posted on December 2, 2002)

December 2, 2002
Yes, you should just wait 12-18 months.
   — Linda A.

December 2, 2002
I am planning a second child post op. I hope to lose most of my weight in the first 12-18 months before concieving. Never forget what its like to be obese and never stand by while someone else is treated badly. Good luck in your journey!
   — k r.

December 4, 2002
In order to ensure the best possible chances (under your control) of having a healthy baby, BTC says NOT to get pregnant for 2 years. There are certain vitamins, minerals, etc. that are crucial to a baby's development and during that time you aren't eating enough to give a baby the best that it deserves to have. During the first tri-mester you must increase your fat intake to provide for the neurological development of the baby. You should really check with your surgeon. Good luck.
   — Lynette B.

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