Does your surgeon check prealbumin levels?

I am 7 weeks post-op and have had two blood tests to check my prealbumin levels (monthly). Yesterday, it was low and he doesn't want it to drop any lower. Other post-ops I have talked to said their surgeons have never run this test on them. Is this an unusual test or the norm?    — Want2bslim (posted on November 28, 2002)

November 28, 2002
This checks your protein level. Has the doctor asked you about your protein intake? I'm guessing the other post-ops who've stated their surgeons haven't checked their level is because the doctors are checking the patients' hemoglobin and hematocrit levels to see if they are anemic. You need both the protein and the iron levels to be within normal ranges to promote your weight loss and to help ensure you feel good. Hope this helps. :-)
   — Debra L. H.

November 28, 2002
Yes my surgeon has my family docs checking mine every 6 mos along with all the other bloodwork. Iron profile, CBC and B12. After I hit two yrs it will go once a year unless I'm not feeling well.
   — Karla K.

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