Open RNY scheduled for a week from Weds, any advice?

Hi, I have my open RNY scheduled for a week from Weds and am looking for advice on what I should do to prepare. What should I buy to have at home (food, and self care products), as well as what should I take to the hospital? What advice do you wish you'd been given before you went in? thanks!    — Kristy L. (posted on November 26, 2002)

November 26, 2002
I have two bits of advice. One is simple, the other a bit more complicated. First of all, be sure to take some Chapstick with you to the hospital. You'll be very glad. Secondly, as you count down and look forward to your date, please prepare yourself that this is just a step in the process. You will not come out of the hospital a new person. Your weight related troubles will continue for some time. I had a very disapointing feeling of "now what?" when I came out of the hospital. As I have said many times before, surgery is an event, weight loss is a process. You may even weigh more from all of the fluids when you get home. Just be prepared for that and allow the loosing process to begin without too many expectations for immediate improvement. You will be successful over time, but it won't happen overnight.
   — Amber L.

November 26, 2002
Im 6 weeks post-op today...the best advice..wear the binder. Prepare your self a head of time for your battles with food. Have a game plan..'when it really gets to me and I want to eat a huge choc frostie from Wendys, I will_______ instead.' Also to help stay on a good diet, I know that every Weekend I get one treat...1/2 cup of REAL ice cream or, split a small slurpie with one of the kids...what ever sounds good at the time. Reward yourself for sticking to a good diet all week with a 'planned' goodie. I find that I will remind myself during the week that I will not get my weekend goodie if I have this whatever right now...I wont do that because my weekend treat is a family thing...the kids love helping me chose. last weekend we all had pizza..granted I couldnt eat much of it..but it was good. I have been doing this for the past 3 weeks and it has worked wonders and I never feel any guilt. You could buy youself a new cd or dvd or something instead of the food. Junk food was my down fall and I crave it. I get a little of it on the weekend and I have the strength to say NO to junk for the whole week, I feel like I can go to a restaurant on Sat with my family and not feel left out. Good Luck
   — cherokey55

November 26, 2002
oops...left out part..I brought tons of stuff to the hospital and only used a hairbrush, hair scrunchies, shampoo, hairbrush, deodorant, toothpaste and brush. at home I would have lots of easy stuff SF freezer pops, juice, bottled water, cans of broth, or cream of whatever soups. Vitamins, protein supps. I found that for the first few days the only thing I wanted was water and OJ (diluted 1/2 and 1/2 with water), and cream of chicken I went with it and after a few days started trying other stuff again.
   — cherokey55

November 26, 2002
I am 2 weeks post-op from an open RNY I just took basic toiletries to the hospital, and used none of them. I wasn't allowed to shower until 2 days after surgery and then I just had my wife give me a sponge bath. Chapstick is a good idea and so is chloraseptic. I wasn't allowed to have any water or anything to drink until 2 days after surgery and then the first thing was the Barium for the leak test. They said it would taste like crap but that was the best crap I ever had. You will appreciate a tooth brush, because I cannot begin to tell you the things that happen to your mouth with no water. Day 3, and the world changes. They even delivered meals to my room. I wouldn't go to crazy for stuff at home, you will be on clear liquids, so broth,s/f popsicles, s/f jello, s/f kool-aid and so forth. Don't freak out you will not be hungry. So far it is easier on the other side than I thought it would be. It's only been 2 weeks but I'm down 40 pounds, and haven't been hungry or had any head hunger yet. You will be great. GOOD LUCK!!!
   — dkinson

November 26, 2002
Hi! I am 4 months post op from an open RNY. I have lost 100 pounds. My advice to you is this: be stocked up on chicken broth, jello, cream of wheat and other food you will need. (But don't overdo the food stocking). Also, walk the day you have surgery and WALK every day after that, even if it is just to the bathroom and back. The more you walk, the more the soreness will come out and the better you will feel. Make sure you get your protein in when you come home from the hospital. Prepare to sleep in the recliner for awhile. Expect for your incision to drain, which means you will be changing clothes twice a day for a few days. That is my advice. Email me anytime if you have more questions. Judy
   — Judy W.

November 26, 2002
hi there :) i would have plenty of broth, soup, sf jello,maybe sf popsicles. get some chap stick and lotion as you may suffer chapped lips and dry skin those first couple weeks. get some wet wipes to freshen up with ease incase you cannot or simply arent up to showering.have yourself a nice recliner to call your own for awhile possibly it may be to painful to sleep in bed right away. have plenty of reading material and music while at home for those moments you may not be able to sleep.while i was in the hospital i asked my surgeon to let me have some of those little medicine cups for home. these are perfect for measuring 1 oz increments and saves on dirtying so many dishes. the only things i brought to the hospital were lotion and toothpaste and a few of my favorite doll collector magaizines. they helped to get my mind off being in the hospital. best of luck to you! :)
   — carrie M.

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