Almost to my goal weight (-150 lbs) but my legs look terrible. My veins are really

sticking out. I have heard of a procedure called vein stripping ... has anyone has this done and what where your results? Is it painful? Thanks    — Judi D. (posted on October 27, 2002)

October 27, 2002
Vein stripping is for severe varicose veins (bulging, snaking blue veins). You probably have some surface varicosities and mostly raised spider veins. They can be genetic and also due to your increased weight. Very possibly you had them before surgery, but they were covered with fat and you didn't know it. I had a few before surgery and thought they would go away as the pressure was taken off as I lost weight. WRONG! As you lose the fat, they oftentimes show up even more. Often, dermatologists can inject a high concentration saline-solution into the veins and they'll disappear over a 4 week period. They can even do this to some of the painful ones even if they are large. It stings when they do it, but it's not terribly painful....and all the stinging is gone by the time you leave the office. They just tell you to take it easy on your feet for 24 hours. However, the really large ones usually aren't treated with this. I'd call around to a few dermatologist offices and maybe even plastic surgeon's offices and find out how much they charge for these treatments. Find out how much they charge for how much solution they use. As an example, I never thought about calling around. I just went to a local dermatologist (in Ann Arbor, Michigan where everything seeems to be expensive!). He charged $250 for 1 cc of the saline solution. 1 cc does quite a bit of injections, but I've had 3 treatments now and my legs looks decent....but I don't feel that I've had $750 worth of improvement. I figure I'll need 3 more (for a total of 3cc) for complete improvement. A friend of mine got a high recommendation from a friend for a plastic surgeon in Jackson, Michigan (about 45 min. away from me).....she went to see him and HIS office only charges $100 for 3cc of solution! I couldn't believe it! She got the same amount of treatment that I did for $100, that I paid $750 for! So me and a friend of mine is going next Monday and will each spend $100 for 3cc and hopefully that will finish my legs off. As a note, when you make the appointment, if you think these are more surface and raised a little and not huge bulging snaking veins, go ahead and tell them to schedule your injections at the same time as your first appointment. That way, you should only have to pay for the treatment fee and not a consultation fee also. Good luck!
   — Lynette B.

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