Can I have a sonogram for my liver and gall bladder post op?

I saw my surgeon today and I am down 99 lbs since 1/10/02. I took a blood test about 1 1/2 weeks ago and he says that my liver function numbers are a little high. He wants me to get a sonogram for my liver and gall bladder. He asked me if I had any pain - the only pain I had was a burning feeling about 2 weeks ago (I attributed this to my ulcers acting up) but nothing since. For those who have had these sonograms post op where exactly do they press down on my stomach? Do they go anywhere near my incision and could they press too hard and do any damage (sorry if this sounds naive but I am totally clueless when it comes to this). Also what could the higher numbers mean? Thanks - Tracy    — tracyr (posted on September 5, 2002)

September 4, 2002
they will go right over your incision, they will press down fairly firmly to get a good view, and NO- it will not do any damage to your stomach/ pouch. Also, knoiw that it is not that unusual for someone to develop gallbladder disease after significant weight loss, and it is not unusual for your liver tests to be elevated with gallbladder disease. Some people get elevated liver tests with weight loss also. Good Luck to you, I hope that all of this is nothing.
   — Vicki L.

September 6, 2002
I can't say much about why the numbers are high, but I can reassure you that 9 months after surgery, the incision is completely healed and pressure can do no harm. Besides, they don't press hard for sonograms. Good luck! Michael Halpern (2-1/2 wks postop) New York, NY
   — Michael H.

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