smoking and complications

I know about all the dangers of smoking but I would like to hear from those who are still smoking after their surgeries. How many of you have had any complications due to your smoking. Thanks!!!    — tracyr (posted on August 18, 2002)

August 18, 2002
i stoped smoking in april had surgery in may and started smoking again in late june early july and i have had no complications so far.
   — chrissy T.

August 18, 2002
I have started and stopped smoking many times over the years of my life. I have quit for as many as 4 years several times in a row. I quit 2 months prior to surgery. After surgery (about 3.5 weeks to be exact), when food was no longer my "replacement" for cigarettes, I found I was just climbing the walls to have one. This was way strange, because I didn't crave them at all prior to surgery. I have had no ill effects from it, though I have only been smoking again for a few weeks, and ultra lights at that. I made a deal with myself that I would give them up for good once I was able to eat like a "real" person again (regular foods, not pureed). Funny how I was using food to help me stay off them, and didn't even realize it prior to surgery. I guess losing cigarettes, food, and caffine all at once was too much for me. I -will- be smoke free soon though. I didn't go through all this to scuttle my health by coming down with some respiratory disease from smoking.
   — Greg P.

August 18, 2002
I stopped smoking the morning of my surgery...I know BAD BAD BAD. I started smoking one week post op. I am 19 days post-op and although I havent had any complications, I want to stop. It's hard, not worth it actually...concentrate on your wls and forget about the smoking....its your chance to become a BRAND NEW YOU!
   — Janine C.

August 18, 2002
I smoked all the way up to surgery-had one in the car on the way to the hospital...I tried to quit several times pre-op, but the best I could do was cut down. I didn't have any severe complications, but I had low blood gas levels after surgery, and had to have breathing treatments that were very painful...I had horrible coughing for about a week after surgery that felt like I was ripping in half. I am 2 weeks post op now and I am not coughing any more...but I am not smoking either...I took advantage of the opportunity and quit.
   — Laurie V.

August 18, 2002
I stopped smoking (w/the patch) about 3 weeks prior to my surgery BUT due to nerves I began again the day before surgery (limited number). I didn't have a cigarette for, oh probably 2 weeks (after surgery) and have continued to smoke. I swore I would quit but unfortunately haven't. Anyway, I didn't have complication one prior to, or after surgery. Even the breathing treatment I had to do didn't bother me. Just a note - about a month prior to surgery I kept a balloon with me while watching TV - and I'd sit and constantly blow that balloon up. I read someplace that that would help with breathing. Good luck to you - Cande
   — Can9603

August 18, 2002
Hi, I tapered off before surgery, had no complications really... afterwards the smell really got to me. It made me want to puke, however, after two weeks at home and being absolutely bored... I started again... no complications. However, I plan to quit in two weeks, I don't see the point of going through surgery, going to the gym four times a week and smoking. Hopefully, I'll do it this time. Good luck.
   — gloria M.

August 19, 2002
To be honest I tried many times to quit before surgery would make it and then would fall off the wagon...I smoked right up until the night before, it was horrible b/c I was terrified that something bad would happen. I am thankful to report that nothing did happen..I thank my lucky stars..I think for me in particular anyway, it was hard to quit b/c I was a complete nervous wreck before the surgery..I had stopped eating bad foods a couple of weeks in advance and felt like I "needed" my cigarettes..they are the next thing on my list to go though...I just can't handle giving up EVERYTHING all at once..I gave up food, happily, but it is still a challenge post-op, so I am giving myself a break..though if I had the will I would definitely quit a while before the surgery...
   — Trish R.

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