How do you ask your PCP for referral?

I have an appt. w/ my PCP whom I have never seen before, I was just wondering how I go about asking him for a referral? Do I just flat out ask him, or do I wait till he is almost done with my exam? I'm so nervous, what if he says no. One more ? What should I bring with me? THANK YOU ALL SO MUUCH    — Amy M. (posted on August 1, 2002)

August 1, 2002
Hi Amy, when I went to my pcp about a referral for the surgery I let him know that I had started researching the surgeries. Let him know that you realize the pros and cons and you really want to be a healthier person, and you feel this surgery would really benefit you. I took some info I had printed off the internet to let my pcp know that I was serious about this and he has been very supportive. He is very interested to help out in the follow up. I wish you good luck and best wishes
   — Jennifer E.

August 1, 2002
Go prepared for the worst and hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised as I was. Go to and print off the rationale for obesity surgery and take it with you. It may also help, since it is your first time with the PCP, to write down your obesity history (all the weight loss attempts, the success or failure of them, how long it took, how long the success lasted and how much you gained back. I put together a few pages that had my medications, allergies, obesity related problems(ie: reflux, joint pain, increased cholesterol etc.) and then I chronologically listed my history of obesity with all the many different methods(weight watchers, Jenny Craig, hypnosis etc.) in bold and mentioned the weight loss/gain assoc. with each attempt (slightly daunting but worthwhile). I also put in that text when I was diagnosed with the comorbid problems assoc. with MO. My PCP was very grateful and it helped him get a very solid picture, which can only be used in your favor. The 15 page posting from the Am. society of bariatric surgery gives great info. to clinicians unfamiliar with WLS. Good luck on your journey. I am only just starting mine too. I just had my Psych eval. my surgeon appt. is in Sept.
   — Lynn L.

August 1, 2002
I went very well researched and expected NO:( Espically since my wife a RN had seen my PCP at work and told him I had a appointment and what I was considering. He said he would talk to me about it...<P> I was stunned, he said for you its a good idea if your willing to do it. He at that time had 2 other posts ops his patients and was very supportive. He had seen how well they did. Jen my wife was floored when I told her the news! She ater had WLS herself. So plan for the worst but you might be pleasantly surprised.
   — bob-haller

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