Changing Surgeons?

If I decide to switch to another surgeon, another one in the network, will I have to go through the approval process again? I have had an approval going on 3 months, had my psych. almost 7 weeks ago, and had my educational class 3 months ago. Can I switch drs. I need to have this operation over the summer.    — marta B. (posted on July 1, 2002)

July 1, 2002
I am also about to change, though I am not as far along with this process as you are. I use BCBS of TN and they tell me once it is approved it is a very simple matter of sending them the information on the doctor and hospital you want to use. They told me it makes no difference to them. Good Luck.
   — Pam G.

July 2, 2002
Hello....I have had the misfortune and fortune of having to switch surgeons on FOUR occasions. The first two occasions were not my choice. My first surgeon died at the tender age of 46. I was devastated. My next surgeon was a dream. However, shortly before he was scheduled to perform surgery on me, he made the decision that he was going to move away from Hawaii back to the mainland so I had to look for another surgeon yet again. I waited awhile. I switched to surgeon #3 in December of last year. I had my initial consult with him in March and was approved within 16 hours after my insurance received the paperwork. Because this particular surgeon has a very long waiting list, I decided (YET AGAIN!) to switch to my current and LAST surgeon, who will be performing (hopefully!) my surgery next month. Sometimes things happen for a reason. Starting over can be maddening and frustrating. If you do it within a reasonable time frame, some of your consultation information and reports can carry from one physician to another. If the labs are current, they can follow you too. It all depends on the surgeon as to whether or not they meet his requirements. As for your insurance company, since they have already approved you once, they will most likely approve you with the new surgeon also (with less headaches). Just make sure he submits the same details as the first. The last thing you want to have happen is to have conflicting documentation show up which might cause them to wonder.. and possibly provide a denial. Good luck. And from one who had to switch several times, it is the best thing that ever happened to me.. Hugs, Kathie (in Hawaii)..........
   — KathieInHawaii

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