Has anyone post op every had umm bad vaginal odor?

hi, i know this is an off question but i wanted to know if anyone who is post op has had extreme vaginal odor since surgery. I had it almost immediatly post op, it doesn't matter what i do it won't seem to go away. Any ideas?    — tinalivesay (posted on May 29, 2002)

May 28, 2002
gee, where's that annonymous posting when you need it? LOL i have had the same problem. i am 27 days post op and when i pee i have a horrid odor. i think it's from not getting enough water in. i try to drink as much as i can but i don't think i'm getting more than about 40 oz of water into me. i also have very little pee. well, now that the world knows our problems...LOL
   — candymom64

May 28, 2002
OK...another "non-anonymous" post! LOL I too noticed this immediately post-op, and it lasted up to a month. It has since gone away, and I believe it is because I was not drinking enough water. I try to get in as much water as possible every day, but at least what I should be drinking. Good luck!
   — sssuzie1

May 29, 2002
I would check with your doctor, it could be a yeast infection. I'm sure you were given antibiotics while you were in the hospital and those tend to cause yeast infections. I suffered the same problem post op and it did turn out to be just that. As much as antibiotics help, they still cause their own little set of problems! At least nowadays, one pill clears 'em up real quick!
   — Rosario T.

May 29, 2002
The vaginal odor and the pee odor (mentioned below) may occur at the same time but are probably two different things (I know...I had both). I developed a yeast infection post op as the one poster mentioned, however the urine smell was so bad because of the took months for that odor to subside in my personal expirience. I'd definately give my primary a call for the other. Take care. -Kim open RNY 7/17 -110
   — KimBo36

May 29, 2002
I also want to add that our sense of smell is extremely off post op (most of our senses are). Little things that usually are normal, will affect you differently.
   — Karen R.

May 29, 2002
LOL...thank GOD someone else asked this. I has the WORST, and I mean gag you bad, smell for the first month. It didn't itch or anything and it went away on it's own so I doubt it's yeast, but my urine would peel paint off the bathroom wall. I don't know if it was aneasthesia or dehydration or what...all I have to say is THANK GOD it went away! LOL Good luck.
   — Paula Prichard

May 29, 2002
Well, there's two possiblities: 1) you aren't drinking enough water, and your urine is especially smelly ... or 2) you have a yeast infection caused from all those antibiotics they give you after surgery. Whatever the case, don't worry, it doesn't last long. I am almost 15 months post-op and smell fine "down there," probably a lot better than I did as an obese woman! LOL
   — Terissa R.

May 29, 2002
Foul urine odor is a normal part of ketosis, which most of us are in for at least the first month post-op. Think of it as the smell of your body burning fat, because that's what it is! Also, dehydration increases the concentration of urine, increasing the concentration of the "smelly" ingredients as well.<p>You could have a yeast infection; if you do, you'll smell more like a loaf of bread than anything else. :-) I highly recommend buying REFRIGERATED acidophilus capsules (non-refrigerated are not NEARLY as good) and then opening one or two and swallowing the powder they contain once or twice a day. My two year old likes the taste of these, so it's not like I'm suggesting you gag down another nasty potion. LOL That will re-establish the beneficial bacteria in your gut and is very likely to rebalance your yeast levels as well. A yeast "infection" is not an infection at all, but an overgrowth of an organism we all harbor all the time. Diflucan and yeast-killing creams sort of go overboard the other way, killing yeast but leaving room for other skin nasties to proliferate in their place, sometimes causing their own problems. Acidophilus and a low-sugar diet will work to bring yeast back in check naturally without allowing other skin organisms to flourish in their place. HTH. If any of these problems are accompanied by pain, itching, burning, or they last more than 10 days, you should probably ask your doctor... but ask for natural remedies if possible as it's so hard to rebalance your body's natural flora when much of it is nuked by a strong medication. Those medications all have side effects and we can be extra sensitive to them when we're fresh posties and not eating or drinking much.
   — Julia Z.

May 30, 2002
One thing that sounds bizarre but works great for a yeast infection is a yogurt douche, sort of. Not really a douche but putting yogurt inside your vagina and leaving it there. The bacteria in the yogurt kill the yeast and the coldness is very soothing if you have itching. Put it in at bedtime. The hardest part is getting it in! I used to use a Tampax applicator; take out the tampon and fill the tube with yogurt and then push it in with the applicator, just like a tampon. Um, use plain yogurt, of course! LOL
   — Chris A.

April 2, 2003
i am preop but happen to be the unfortunate victim of recurrent infections - both bacterial and yeast- and i have discovered a homeopathic remedy that really works. you need to buy boric acid powder(not the concentration y ou use for bugs! you can get it at a pharmacy - i found it at walmart) and then fill small gelatin or vegetable capsules (which you can buy at coops and those sorts of places) and insert it over night. the acid restores the ph balance and allows your body to fight off the yeast and/or bacteria that are out of balance. my ob/gyn told me about this and i swear it works!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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