Will this ever get any better?

I Am tired of waiting, I wnat to have the surgery done like YESTERDAY!!!!! I got a referal from my doctor and it turns out that the doctor that she sent me to doesnt even do WLS UGH he is a Chest man (Breast enhancements only) So I have called and written and faxed and visited and still they are dragging their feet over another refearl, So I took it upon my self and mailed all my info to Liv-Lite along with a copy of my ins. card, and my "Letter" and now I am waiting to hear from them.... I am hoping that this can be done before July 1 as I am slated to start school. (LVN Here I come Wooo hooo) I Do have one question though, When ever I try to get into the peers area I cant open it up, I have emptyed my cookies,everything I can think of. I have no problem opening anyother page. HMMMMMM just wondering. Thanks for the most wonderful site. Christy [email protected]    — Christina B. (posted on April 19, 2002)

April 19, 2002
Christina, I'm not sure about the CA peers page, but I'm in GA and it does take FOREVER to load up. I'm sure it's not the site itself, it's just my slow computer. You might also want to click on "find a doc" and look for others in your area who have the same surgeon as you. Hope this helps a bit.
   — Jennifer C

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