Has your Dr suggested nursing home care post-op?

I just talked to my Dr and my surgery is a "Go" pending the ok from my insurer. He highly suggested that I spend 5 to 10 days in a nursing home following the surgery. I would have to let him know if I am ok with this before the surgery so he can make arrangements. Have any of you gone to a nursing home following surgery? Do you believe it is beneficial or should I just tell him I want to go home after my release from the hospital?    — Linda H. (posted on March 30, 2002)

March 30, 2002
Hi, congratulations on your upcoming surgery! I'd need to know a bit more information before I could say if it would be beneficial to go to a nursing home. My first inclination would be that "no" a nursing home is not necessary. However, if you fall into the super obese category then some structured after care could be appropriate. I feel like a rehab facility would be more appropriate however, than a nursing home. I doubt that most nursing homes are educated or equipped to deal with a WLS patient. If you don't have special or exceptional health care needs then a nursing home or rehab facility really don't seem necessary. My husband and teenage children were able to provide all the assistance I needed following surgery. You might want to ask your surgeon if he means a rehab facility instead of a nursing home. Or, you may want to find out exactly why he feels you would need this intensive type care. He may have good reasons. Best of luck to you! You're on your way!!
   — ronascott

March 30, 2002
Only your surgeon knows what is best for you. If my surgeon suggested that for the best care I needed to go into a nursing facility, I'd have signed right up for the maximum 10 days. I wouldn't tell him what you think is best for you, let him tell you. He's your surgeon and wants to take care of you and he wouldn't want anything to happen to you.
   — blank first name B.

March 30, 2002
Is it possible that instead of a "nursing home" he meant "home nurse" as in someone coming over to check in on you? Just a though.
   — Julie D.

March 30, 2002
Are you super MO? Is your surgery taking place a long distance from your home? Do you have anyone at home to help take care of you? I don't think a nursing home would be the place, but a rehab facility might be a good idea under the right circumstances.
   — garw

March 30, 2002
You got to ask yourself "what kind of patient am I when I have been sick in the past". If you are the type who like to bounce back and rearing to go as well as knowing you are a bad patient,then go home. Set youself up to go home and have home health come in to help you if your insurance will cover it. If you feel unsteady about having this surgery and you feel more secure having someone keep an eye out on you, go for the extended care. I can speak from experience as a former nurse, a nursing home may not be the place to go after surgery. You will basically need acute care in a chronic care facility. If your physician want to do this for you, find out where he is sending you before you step foot in that hospital. Go to the nursing facility and stand in the middle of that facility and get a good look at the nursing staff and the patients.Do the staff look stressed and do the patients look well cared for. Also, will I have family to be there to make sure I'm taken care of properly. Then speak to the admission cordinator and find out if you will get the proper care you need for those few days.
   — Jan M.

March 30, 2002
They wanted my father to go into a nursing home for a couple of weeks post op for several reasons- He was a high risk patient and my doc thought that supervised care would be best, there wasn't going to be someone home with him all the time, and the family's other reason was so our dog wouldn't annoy him. We all thought that a nursing home would help him adjust to his new situation better. The day he was supposed to go there, they gave his bed away, so he ended up coming home- and was fine. Looking at it now, he likes his own bed and space so home was probably a better place- more relaxing at least. He DID have a home nurse come in daily for a few weeks, and that did help a lot. I think patients need to be where they are more comfortable- that will promote the best healing. Just my thoughts. It is best to do what your surgeon suggests, if you have concerns I think you should discuss it with him. Good Luck!
   — Angela B.

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