Anyone have a idea what this might be?

I am having a sharp pain in my right side below rib cage and it's not all the time. I am 5 months post op and I didn't take my gallstone meds cause they made me sick. Any advice?    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 7, 2001)

November 7, 2001
If you have a pain in your right side under your rib cage, AND you haven't taken your meds for Gall stones then get to the doctor and get an ultrasound to check it out. Seems pretty apparent that would be the case.
   — sbinkerd1

November 7, 2001
Sounds like gallstones to me. Been there done that! get it checked out before it makes you sick and it can be removed with lap. mine was open and awful. i had jaundice and was sick as a dog. so p[lease make an appoinment with your PCP and save pain for yourself@!
   — Cathy B.

November 7, 2001
GALLSTONES...YUK I hate that word. I had my gallbladder out in 1998 and I am sooo glad I did. One less thing to deal with post op. You really should make an appointment to see your PCP and get a ultrasound to rule it out. But one of the main complications after this surgery is gallstones.....Get yourself checked out because the pain does not go away it will get worse....Feel better and for what it is worth it is a easy surgery on Laporscopically and you are home in most cases the same day....Good luck
   — Melissa S.

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