How can I eat now to help later?

I was wondering if changing my diet now would help me with adjusting later. Maybe moving toward the high protein/low carbs now while the emotional and physical pressures are less. Has anyone tried this? Do you think it would be of any help?    — Dawn Y. (posted on October 10, 2001)

October 10, 2001
I am pre-op too, I am currently doing the Atkin's Diet. I'm trying to lose some weight before surgery, which my doctor requires. Also, it's helping me get used to eating the protein. Carbs really are bad and they make you feel hungry faster. My doctor recommended I try the Atkin's Diet before surgery. I don't think he would recommend something that would be bad for me.
   — Angie B.

October 10, 2001
I feel very strongly about this...if I could have lost weight before surgery..I would have. I ate anything I wanted to before surgery. I even gained a little weight before my surgery. I don't advise it, but I did. Mostly from tension. However, once I had my surgery I am a major stickler for exactly what my Dr. has told me to eat. Using the surgery as a tool has made it possible for me. I agree that dieting before surgery may rob you of necessary nutrients that your body will need to recover. Take Care and Good luck.
   — Karen Renee

October 10, 2001
I wouldn't eat to lose weight- I would eat to help my body heal. Preop, I did protein shakes and vitamins to build my body up so that going into surgery, I was as healthy as I could be. I still ate whatever I wanted, but I healed fairly well, even being on liquids for 4 weeks. I also started walking and doing breathing exercises so I could do them easier in the hospital. Actually, after surgery, I still eat to be healthy- I DONOT diet:) Good Luck
   — M B.

October 10, 2001
Listen, I'd do some walking everyday to help better prepare my body for the surgery. But eating, forget about it! The surgery is what helps you change your eating problem. If you could do it without the surgery, I'm sure you would. I never could. Remember though, after the surgery, that your stomach much heal for 6 good weeks from the cutting and sewing or stapling that gets done -- so keep that at the forefront of your mind when you put anything in your mouth. Don't eat the wrong things, don't overeat. This is a matter of life and death. This helped me to get started on the right track. After that, it wasn't very hard to eat right. I'm now a year and 1/2 postop and it truly is not difficult to make good food choices. I don't consider it bad to occasionally have some foods that others are surprised at (a little piece of cake or pie or something), but I know my body now and I know what's working. The walking will help your lungs and your body to get better prepared for the surgery.. In the meantime, read all you can about your postop op diet and be prepared to do it.
   — Cindy H.

October 10, 2001
My doctor makes us change our eating habits before he will do surgery. He makes his patients follow the Atkins diet and checks us for ketotis. It was hard for me because I was a vegetarian before surgery but I did it and I'm happy--just because your a vegetarian doesn't mean your healthy! I suggest following the Atkins diet because in the beginning you will only have room for meat.
   — Laura R.

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