Any post-ops pulled a stomach muscle ??

I'm 2+ months post-op. Last night DH and I .....ahem.....well, you know. Anyway, I think I may have pulled a stomach muscle. Has anyone had this happen? I have NEVER had this happen before. I was wondering if I gave myself a hernia. Is that possible? I'd appreciate any feedback.    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 27, 2001)

September 27, 2001
It is very possible you gave yourself a hernia, you need to see your doctor. I did the same thing vacuuming at 2 weeks post op.
   — [Anonymous]

September 27, 2001
I pulled a stomach muscle two weeks post op (I had open rny). I think it happened when I was carrying in groceries, but the dr. says it happens to some of his patients, probably from the surgery itself. It was excruciating pain. It did get better as the weeks went on, but didn't fully go away for 6 weeks! Usually you can tell a hernia if you stand up and look down, you see a bulge. If it goes away when you lay down, it could be a hernia. You can view my profile for what I went through with that pulled muscle. I hope it doesn't last that long for you. Good luck!!
   — blank first name B.

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