What if I have not been on diets or exercise plans. I gave up years ago.

Each person is required to document their diet history. I have not been on a diet for over 10 years. I know I will fail and do not see the reason to try. Will my surgeon make me try more diets before operating?    — Julia O. (posted on March 13, 2001)

March 13, 2001
I know this sounds incredibly dishonest but how could anyone "prove" what you've tried or haven't. I've been on countless self-imposed plans and joined numerous groups in the past and as I was filling out paperwork I just guessed at dates and weight loss. Bottom line was that I'd tried many, many things and had never lost much (20lbs or so) and always gained it back. I figured I just needed to make my weight loss "history" reflect that.
   — [Anonymous]

March 13, 2001
Julia, I documented everything I have ever been on. Including Deal A Meal, Susan Powder,Weight Watchers etc...I listed the years(some go back to 1987)(I still have my old calendars-who'd have thunk they'd ever come in handy)I wrote approx. weight losses,length of time and gains. Gains were always the weight loss total plus.Just try to be as accurate as possible. It's a little difficult to be 100% that many years ago. That's why I wrote approx. how much weight I lost. Also, on slim fast I wrote I don't know how much I lost. It was the truth. My ins. company requires 2 medically supervised diets before they'll approve anything. So, it's not necessarily the surgeon who asks but the ins. company. If you think this might be a problem get a diet from you PCP. Find out what your ins. policy requires before you go thru something you may not have to.Best wishes and continued success
   — Linda M.

March 14, 2001
I just want to thank you for posting this question. I feel the same way. I gave up dieting years ago and I think it's the only thinkg that's kept me from gaining more. I don't know what I'll do if they don't accept my current attempts. I'm getting a letter from someone who's supervised me and I've listed all my personal attempts. I see my doctor later this month. If she puts me on a diet, I think I'll go insane.
   — kcanges

March 14, 2001
I too have kept calendars and I write all the time just stuff that matters to me and of course I wrote about the weight stuff...I have already submitted my information to my surgeon and the insurance I am just waiting for them to come back with "we need more information" and Im gonna write it all down as many pages as it takes...with all my journal notes and calendars if I have too...Good luck to you and everyone...God Bless
   — Kimberly L.

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