I am one week post-op and find that I am having severe nightmares.

They are all related to wls and the emotions and physcial illness that can go along with it. I would be interested in hearing from people who have experienced this. It really is quite frustrating as quality sleep is so important. Thanks in advance!    — mrs.qtip (posted on November 14, 2000)

November 14, 2000
The first two weeks after my surgery I slept very little at night. I suspect that part of it was the aftermath of anesthestia and LorTab. But I found that when I was awake during the night I would become very anxious and depressed. I kept wondering if I had made a terrible mistake. Before surgery I had no doubts and now I am sure that I made the best decision for myself. But right after surgery, I was in an emotional stew.
   — Nanette T.

November 14, 2000
I am still pre-op (surgery 11/29/00) so I don't know if it is related to your surgery or not. But I do know that some pain medications can cause you to have nightmares. Everytime I take it I have weird dreams!!! My husband took it after some dental work and talked in his sleep the whole time he was on it.
   — Donna H.

November 14, 2000
I too had nightmares post-op both with WLS and my C-Section(I was put out for that too...) So I am sure it has to do with the anesthesia.
   — Michele Z.

November 14, 2000
I'm a month post op and I'm taking tylox. I'm also having vivid dreams. I also sleep only a few hours at a time. Hopefully when the tylox ends, the dreams will end also.
   — Jan M.

November 14, 2000
I slept GREAT after surgery as long as I tool pain meds. Darvocet. But the dreams were so scary I took myself off asap. and just took tylnol.
   — jiggers

November 14, 2000
I found that I slept for very short periods of time right after surgery and those times I had some real nasty dreams. I stopped taking my tylenol w/codine and the dreams went away.After the staples and stiches were removed I strted sleeping better. Whew!
   — MJ C.

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