I thought I would be cleared this morning by heart dr but he thinks i have blockage an

now i have to get catheterzation next wed anyboy ever hear of this before getting surgery please someone help me im panicking!!    — bobbie M. (posted on January 19, 2000)

January 19, 2000
Bobbie, don't panic! I really have no idea what this means as far as your WLS surgery goes, but be glad they found the blockage now. I'm no expert, but I have worked in a cardiology cath lab before and have seen this procedure done and typed up the results of hundreds of catheterization cases. They are no picnic but they aren't really that bad either. Complications could occur during your surgery if they don't fix the blockage and you sure wouldn't want that. Keep your chin up, DON'T worry too much, and take care. You will be fine!!
   — Connie G.

January 19, 2000
Bobbie, did you have a positive cardiac stress test? This can indicate a blockage in one or more of your coronary arteries, the vessels that supply the heart muscle with blood and oxygen. Have you had chest pain, tightness or pressure in the chest area before when you exerted yourself, such as walking up stairs? This, too, can be indicative of coronary artery disease. A cardiac catheterization will let your Dr. visualize your coronary arteries on xray and give detailed information. You must be sure that your coronary arteries are not blocked before surgery. This could put you at great risk for a heart attack while under anesthesia. Make sure your heart is in good condition before you have your WLS. By the way, if you did have a positive cardiac stress test, this could have been a false positive reading, still requiring a cardiac cath to be sure. False positives most often happen to women and can also occur when you are deconditioned and not used to exercising. Also, if you are deconditioned, maybe you were not able to walk on the treadmill long enough to get a good study. They have to be able to get your heart rate up to a certain level to have enough information to prove that your coronary arteries are open. Your Dr. is just making sure that you are in the best possible condition to receive anesthesia and surgery. I know this is wordy, but I hope it helps. Please email me at [email protected] if you need any more information. Wishing you the best possible results on your cardiac cath.
   — Sandy 2.

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