I have started adjusting my diet according to nutritionist, but have not seen surgeon

Am I just kidding myself thay I can diet off 1/2 of me? My family (mother, husband, step mom, kids) all have great reservations about the surgery and as a result I am waffling back & forth. I am 5'6", 292 with a BMI of 47.    — Liz W. (posted on January 16, 2000)

January 16, 2000
While I cannot tell you what is best for yourself I can say that for me I have lost and gained hundreds of pounds over the years. Each time convincing myself that this would be the last time and I would keep it off. Maybe you will be successful this time. But what I have learned is that not everyone will agree with the surgery nor do they have to. This is your life and in the end you are the one who has to carry around the weight with you and you are the only one who know what it feels like to fight this never ending battle with weight. Your health is the most important thing. I thank G-d every day for giving me this 2nd chance to be healthy and start over. I would have the surgery all over again. While it's true that right after surgery I was in pain and regretted it now, 1 month later I feel better than I have felt in years. I wish you the best of luck with your decision. It is not an easy one. whatever you decide we will be here to support you. Good luck!!!!
   — Jodie R.

January 16, 2000
Liz- I just got tired of failing over and over again. I've tried Sweatin to the Oldies, Making the Connection, Stopping the Insanity . . . etc. Hasn't everyone? Statistics are against people 100 lbs over weight -- when we do manage to lose weight, 95% of the time, we gain it back -- and more. I'm tired of losing at losing weight. Now I want to win.
   — Toni B.

January 17, 2000
Hi Liz,
   — Cheri H.

January 17, 2000
Hi Liz, NO you are not kidding yourself!! I had open RNY on June 17,1999. Today I went to my follwup doc and have now lost 102 pounds!!!! I still have 98 to go but now I am sure it can be done! I have not been sorry for even one day that I decided to do this! And the best part is... you are never hungry!! And it takes only a few bites and you are full!! And no more sweets to tempt you either cause ya get sick! LOL Good luck with your decision. Cheri
   — Cheri H.

January 18, 2000
I have lost 125 pounds in three months. It can work but you have to make some lifestyle changes.
   — snicklefritz

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