at 10 months post op can i get pregnant

if i try to get pregnant this month will the baby be healthy or should i wait?    — Diana R. (posted on February 26, 2005)

February 26, 2005
Diana I have been told to wait at least one year before having kids that why we are both okay and the baby will be healthy. But you sould always talk to your doctor about this because everyone is different
   — ritamytweety

February 26, 2005
this is something you should ask a doctor
   — fishnrockport

February 26, 2005
I was told 1 year. However from what I understand many have gotten pregnant before then and the babies are born very healthy. I think there's a yahoo group somewhere for pregnant post-ops.
   — SJP

February 26, 2005
Diana, yes you can get pregnant at any point after wls, but its advised to wait a certain period of time it all depends on your dr and your health...Me personally, I would wait at least 18 months or till you stablize your weight...I got pregnant using protection at 11 months post wls and didnt even know I was pregnant till i was in the e/r miscarrying.. mind you i was infertile as well and couldnt have kids (16 yrs) YA RIGHT! although it was heart breaking i sure wasnt ready to have one and so I made sure it didnt happen again till I was ready which was apx 10 months later putting me at goal weight and a stable weight, I was apx one year 9 months post op wls, my son is now 9 months old and very healthy and so am i...I am almost back to my pre preg weight just a couple of pnds to go...Alot of people have had babies after wls and were healthy ones but I just feel that your body has gone through so much and is still going through alot that it is best to wait till you are done losing....good luck to you ...
   — Deanna Wise

February 26, 2005
I got pregnant at 8 months after my surgery. I was very careful NOT to get pregnant. Used the patch and condoms but I just became too freaking fertile after losing so much weight that fast!! We were very careful but it happened anyway. Point being it was the best thing to ever happen to me. I had a few complications, and the doctors watched me very carefully. I was considered high risk only because I moved 2000 miles away from where I had the surgery and where I live now they weren't too familiar with it. At first for the first 4 months I lost weight. Then I slowly put on weight and gained 20 with the pregnancy and when the baby was born he weighed 9lbs 9oz!! We knew he'd be big but not half of the weight I gained lol!! I lost all baby weight so fast I was back in my new skinny jeans after a week. I am healthy and he is healthy. He is now a rambunctious 18 month old that keeps me going like crazy!! I know everyone is different and maybe this is not the best advice for you but I just wanted to share my experience with you! He is the love of my life and it was the best thing ever to happen to me. Good luck to you and whatever you decide to do.
   — Jeannette P.

February 26, 2005
can you? yes - should you - No. Just because others have had healthy children not waiting until the suggested time limit - doesnt mean you should try. You trusted your surgeon to have surgery; why not trust him with your babys health and WAIT. When you get the 'go ahead' from your doctor then have one until then.. just shop and dream.
   — star .

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