Mental Blockage need some help

Stupid question. I've been down on myself. I had an RNY on 7/1/03. Lost 90lbs since and 40lbs just before on opti fast per my surgeon. I have about 60 to go unless I go by the dietary charts and I sholuld lost about another 100 which would be really thin. For the last month i've stopped losing and havent exercised at all and picked during the holidays. I know your going to say that's it. I havent been back to the gym, so I guess I am just asking someone to tell me it's not over. That it's not like I used to be and if I keep working hard it will start coming off and I will lose, not like when I tried to lose before surgery and it just would come back after stopping. I think I have a mental block. I feel like the old pre surgery days when weight loss was hopeless. Yes, I am happy about what I lost but I want to keep going. Sorry just need some support    — gary viscio (posted on January 7, 2004)

January 7, 2004
I think we are identical . I had surgery June 26th and have lost 91 lbs. W have 12 more months of weightloss ahead of us. I went to the surgeon yesterday and he reminded me that the 2nd six months are also an excellent time for weightloss for those who go to the gym a lot. We've lost enough weight to work out twice as long. So I took his advice and stayed there longer this morning. You just have to work through this time. I felt like that month 5. It passes and then you just go back to the gym. This weightloss is peaks and valleys. And you're in a valley is all.
   — mrsmyranow

January 7, 2004
At 6 months out our weightloss slows. And we have to fight for every pound. It will come off, but you have to get your booty to the gym. I had a "plateau" around that time, but it will keep going. But now is not the time to be lazy. Now is the time to keep pushing harder. The harder you work now, the less stressed out you will be at 12 to 18 months later. keisha 3/12/03 316/195/160
   — keishax

January 7, 2004
Hi Gary, Don't beat yourself up too much. The holidays are very stressful and this was your first since your WLS. So your "slump" might just be holiday related. I'd suggest going to any support group meeting that are in your area. Just being around other WLS folks can be very encourageing. And maybe try a new sport or exercise. Whatever you were doing before might be boring for you now. If you were walking try swimming. If you were lifting weights try an aerobics class. Something like that. Do you have a dietition that you can visit? Maybe a "check-up" would be helpful. You've worked so hard to get here and you deserve to be healthy and at good weight. So give yourself a hug and a kick in the pants. You can do it! Blessings and Peace, Marrilee
   — Marrilee M.

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