Is there any health conditions that don't qualify you for WLS?

I am researching this and would like to know does anyone know of any health reasons why you would be denied this procedure?    — nefish (posted on November 25, 2003)

November 25, 2003
It probably depends on the doctor, this surgery helps a lot of conditions. But many doctors won't do it on people who have some conditions like eating disorders or HIV to name a few. best If you have a certain medical condition you might get better responses to the question if you ask if whatever condition it is would exclude you.
   — Patricia T.

November 25, 2003
The only one that I've heard of that would prevent is cirrhosis of the liver. dina
   — Dina McBride

November 25, 2003
Active alcoholic or drug addict, literally too ill to survive surgery, hannibal lectuer multi personality types. <P> Actully these disqualify very few and its for their own safety.
   — bob-haller

November 26, 2003
This isn't a disease, but if you're a diabetic and your sugars aren't in decent control and you have a high hemoglobin A1C, this can prevent you from having surgery until your sugars are in better control... hope this helps!! God bless & take care!!
   — Amy G.

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